Seminar on Algorithmic Aspects of Information Theory

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Computer science Mathematics

Audience: Researchers in the discipline
Seminar series time: Every other Wednesday 16:00-17:15 in your time zone, UTC
Organizer: Andrei Romashchenko*
*contact for this listing

This online seminar is a follow up of the Dagstuhl Seminar 22301,

Upcoming talks
Past talks
Your timeSpeakerTitle
WedFeb 1914:00Qi CHENMatroidal entropy functions (Part 2)
WedFeb 1214:00Qi CHENMatroidal entropy functions (Part 1)
WedJan 2916:00Alexander SHENRevisiting combinatorial applications of information inequalities.
WedJan 1516:00Bryon ARAGAMLearning compositional structure from data
WedDec 1116:00Chandra NAIR and Chin Wa (Ken) LAUAdditive Combinatorics, Abelian Groups, and Entropic Inequalities.
WedNov 2015:00Satyajit ThakorThe Constrained Entropy Vectors Characterization Problem.
WedOct 2315:00Andrei RomashchenkoInformation inequalities on graphs with a strong mixing property and their applications.
WedJun 1915:00Milan StudenýSelf-adhesivity in lattices of abstract conditional independence models.
WedJun 0515:00Dan SuciuTight upper bounds on the number of homomorphic images of a hypergraph in another.
WedMay 2915:00Tiago PimentelRevisiting the optimality of word lengths.
WedMay 1515:00Lasse Harboe WolffTBA
WedApr 2414:00Esther GalbrunThe minimum description length principle for pattern mining (MDL4PM).
WedApr 1015:00Alexander KozachinskiyInformation-theoretic methods in communication complexity.
WedMar 1316:00Chao TianComputer-Aided Investigation of Information-Theoretic Limits: An Overview. (2nd part)
WedFeb 2816:00Chao TianComputer-Aided Investigation of Information-Theoretic Limits: An Overview.
WedJan 3110:00Amin GohariSecret Key Generation from Dependent Source, part 2
WedJan 2410:00Amin GohariSecret Key Generation from Dependent Source, part 1
WedDec 0616:00Marius ZimandLossless expanders and Information Reconciliation with no shared randomness.
WedNov 2216:00Mokshay MadimanAnalogies between entropy, volume, and cardinality inequalities for projections.
WedNov 0816:00Batya KenigApproximate Implication for Probabilistic Graphical Models.
WedOct 2515:00Alexander ShenInformation theoretic proofs (a survey).
WedOct 1115:00LI Cheuk TingFunctional Representation Lemma and Minimum Entropy Coupling
WedSep 2715:00Andrei RomashchenkoOn the common information and the Ahlswede-Körner lemma in one-shot settings.
WedSep 1315:00Laszlo CsirmazThe power of non-Shannon inequalities: a short proof of the Gács-Körner theorem.
WedJun 2115:00Alexander V. SmalInformation theoretic approach to Boolean formula complexity.
WedJun 0715:00Mahmoud Abo KhamisThe Polymatroid Bound: Extensions and Applications in Database Query Evaluation (part 2).
WedMay 2415:00Mahmoud Abo KhamisThe Polymatroid Bound: Extensions and Applications in Database Query Evaluation.
WedMay 1014:00Raymond W. YeungEntropy Inequalities: My Personal Journey.
WedApr 2615:00Hung Q. NgoAn Information Theoretic Approach to Estimating Query Size Bounds.
WedApr 1215:00Tianren LiuBarriers for Secret Sharing.
WedMar 2915:00Carles PadroLower Bounds in Secret Sharing from Information Theory.
WedMar 2216:00Oriol FarràsIntroduction to Secret Sharing Schemes: Constructions
WedMar 1516:00Vlad DemartsevEconomy of vocal repertoires: Zipf's laws in animal communication
WedMar 0116:00Milan StudenyOn conditional Ingleton inequalities
WedFeb 1516:00Andrei RomashchenkoQuasi-uniform distributions and the method of random covers.
WedFeb 0116:00Alexander KozachinskiyOn the recent progress on Frankl's conjecture.
WedJan 1816:00Cheuk Ting LIExistential information inequalities, non-Shannon inequalities, and automated theorem proving.
WedJan 0416:00Frederique OggierAn overview of Ingleton's inequality from a group theory point of view.
WedDec 0716:00Alexander ShenInformation inequalities: combinatorial interpretation
WedNov 2316:00Laszlo CsirmazThe entropy region is not polyhedra.
WedNov 0916:00Andrei RomashchenkoThe Zhang-Yeung inequality: an attempt to explain.
WedOct 2615:00Andrei RomashchenkoBasic proof techniques for entropic inequalities.
WedOct 1215:00Laszlo CsirmazAround entropy inequalities.
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