Algebraic and Combinatorial Perspectives in the Mathematical Sciences

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machine learning commutative algebra algebraic geometry algebraic topology combinatorics category theory operator algebras rings and algebras representation theory

Norwegian University of Science and Technology / University of Clermont Auvergne / University of Greifswald / Weierstrass Institute, Berlin

Audience: Researchers in the topic
Seminar series time: Every other Friday 14:00-15:00 in your time zone, UTC
Organizers: Joscha Diehl, Kurusch Ebrahimi-Fard*, Dominique Manchon, Nikolas Tapia*
*contact for this listing

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Past talks
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FriMar 1414:00Khalef YaddadenTBA
FriApr 2513:00Kim Jung-WookTBA
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FriFeb 1414:00Gunnar FløystadSubmodular functions, generalized permutahedra, conforming preorders, and cointeracting bialgebras
FriJan 3114:00Paul LaubieVolume preservation of Butcher series methods from the operadic viewpoint
FriSep 2013:00Leandro VendaminWhat is a skew brace?
FriSep 0613:00Christine VespaWheeled PROP structure on stable cohomology
FriJun 2813:00Andrew DudzikTBA
FriJun 0713:00Tobias FritzSelf-distributive structures in physics
FriMay 3113:00Carlo BellingeriThe Euler-Maclaurin formula and generalised iterated integrals
FriMay 1713:00Cyril BanderierFrom geometry to generating functions: rectangulations and permutations
FriMay 0313:00Adrien LaurentOn the geometric and algebraic properties of stochastic backward error analysis
FriApr 1913:00Helena BergoldAn Extension Theorem for Signotopes
FriApr 0513:00William TurnerFree probability, path developments and signature kernels as universal scaling limits
FriMar 1514:00Ruggero BandieraCumulants, Koszul brackets and homological perturbation theory for commutative BVoo and IBLoo algebras
FriMar 0114:00Hannes KernRough Flow techniques on manifolds
FriFeb 2314:00Michael JoswigQuantum automorphisms of matroids
FriFeb 0914:00Nikolas TapiaBranched Itô Formula and natural Itô-Stratonovich isomorphism
FriJan 2614:00Dan ShieblerLearning with Kan Extensions
FriDec 1514:00Oliver PechenikQuasisymmetric Schubert calculus
FriDec 0114:00Matilde MarcolliTBA
FriNov 1714:00Bruno ValletteTBA
FriOct 2713:00Alejandro CabreraAbout local symplectic groupoids and applications
FriOct 1313:00Nick Olson-HarrisTBA
FriSep 2913:00Kasia RejznerPerturbative algebraic quantum field theory (introduction and examples)
MonSep 1813:00Nick Olson-HarrisTBA
FriJul 0713:00TBATBA
FriJun 2313:00Emanuele VerriConjoined permutation patterns
FriJun 0914:00Emilie PurvineApplied Topology for Discrete Structures
FriMay 2613:00Chiara MeroniPath signatures in convex geometry
FriMay 1213:00Gunnar FløystadTBA
FriApr 2813:00Darij GrinbergTBA
FriApr 1413:00Karine BeauchardOn expansions for nonlinear systems, error estimates and convergence issues
FriMar 3113:00Annika BurmesterPost-Lie algebras related to multiple (q-)zeta values
FriMar 1714:00Jaiung JunOn the Hopf algebra of multi-complexes
FriJan 2014:00Leonard SchmitzTwo-parameter sums signatures and corresponding quasisymmetric functions
FriDec 1714:00Bérénice Delcroix-OgerTBA
FriOct 2913:00Gerald DunneResurgent Trans-series in Hopf-Algebraic Dyson-Schwinger Equations
FriOct 2213:00Sophie SpirklModular relations for the Tutte symmetric function
FriOct 1513:00Yannic VargasMonomial bases for combinatorial Hopf algebras
FriOct 0813:00Nicolas GilliersBinary trees, operads and Dykema’s T-transform in Free Probability
FriOct 0113:00Franz HerzogThe Hopf algebra of IR divergences of Feynman graphs
FriSep 2413:00Gunnar FløystadShift modules, strongly stable ideals, and their dualities
FriSep 1713:00Chaitanya Leena SubramaniamDependent type theory and higher algebraic structures
FriSep 1013:00Frédéric ChapotonMultiple zeta values and zinbiel algebras
FriSep 0313:00Susama AgarwalaTBA
FriJul 0913:00Carolina BenedettiTBA
FriJul 0213:00Maciej DołęgaTBA
FriJun 2513:00Amy PangMarkov chains from linear operators and Hopf algebras
FriJun 1815:00Stephanie van WilligenburgThe e-positivity of chromatic symmetric functions
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