CRM - Séminaire du CIRGET / Géométrie et Topologie

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algebraic geometry analysis of PDEs algebraic topology complex variables differential geometry general topology geometric topology K-theory and homology metric geometry symplectic geometry

Centre de recherches mathématiques

Audience: Researchers in the topic
Seminar series time: Friday 16:00-17:15 in your time zone, UTC
Organizers: Julien Keller*, Duncan McCoy
*contact for this listing

Hybrid seminar of geometry and topology. Laboratory : CIRGET - The homepage of the seminar is

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Past talks
Your timeSpeakerTitle
FriApr 0415:00Yannick SireTBA
FriApr 1115:00Mehdi LejmiTBA
FriApr 2515:00Richard MelroseTBA
FriMay 0215:00François NicoleauTBA
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Your timeSpeakerTitle
FriFeb 2116:00Ana BalibanuTransversal slices in quasi-Poisson manifolds
FriFeb 0716:00Katherine GoldmanResidual properties of 2-dimensional Artin groups
FriJan 3116:00Jean Pierre MutanguhaCanonically decomposing fibrations: 3-manifolds & groups
FriJan 1716:00Patricia SoryaBorner les chirurgies de Dehn non caractérisantes non entières
FriJan 1016:00Chung-Ming PanSingular Gauduchon metrics and Hermite-Einstein problem on non-Kähler varieties
FriDec 1316:00Olivier MartinIsotrivial Lagrangian fibrations of hyper-Kähler manifolds of K3^[n] and Kum_n type
FriDec 0616:00Caleb JonkerCurvatures in generalized Kähler geometry
FriNov 2916:00Panos DimakisOn a conjecture of Simpson
FriNov 2216:00Kathryn Mann(bi)-Foliations of the plane and laminations of the circle
FriNov 0816:00Bruno de OliveiraChern numbers ratios of surfaces with big cotangent bundle
FriOct 2515:00Freid TongComplete Calabi-Yau metrics and optimal transport problems
FriOct 1815:00Chris KottkeGeometric analysis on quasi-fibered boundary (QFB) manifolds
FriOct 0415:00Julien PaupertComplex hyperbolic and projective deformations of Kleinian groups
FriSep 2715:00Nathaniel SagmanLabourie's conjecture and Higgs bundles at high energy
FriSep 1315:00Frédéric RochonWarped quasi-asymptotically conical Calabi-Yau metrics
FriApr 1915:00Andras StipsiczTBA
FriApr 1215:00Xuemiao ChenOn Vafa-Witten equations over Kaehler manifolds
FriApr 0515:00Federico SalmoiraghiFoliations, contact structures and Anosov flows in dimension 3
FriMar 2215:00Bin GuoGeometric estimates in Kahler geometry
FriMar 1515:00Vamsi Pritham PingaliAmpleness of vector bundles and canonical metrics
FriFeb 0916:00Charles CifarelliSteady gradient Kähler-Ricci solitons and Calabi-Yau metrics on C^n
FriFeb 0216:00Chi Cheuk TsangMotivations and progress on the Fried-Ghys conjecture
FriJan 2616:00Ethan RossReduction of Polarizations
FriJan 1916:00Jarl G. Taxeras FlatenCentral types and their bands
FriJan 1216:00Benoit CharbonneauInstantons symétriques
FriNov 1716:00Joe BoningerTBA
FriNov 1016:00Mike WongTBA
FriNov 0315:00Eva MirandaThe Weinstein conjecture, 44 years later
FriOct 2715:00Yann RollinMoment maps in Symplectic geometry and applications to PL symplectic geometry
FriOct 2015:00Abdellah LahdiliThe Einstein-Hilbert functional in Kähler and Sasaki geometry
FriOct 1315:00Thomas BarthelméGroup actions on bifoliated planes and classification of (pseudo)-Anosov flows in dimension 3
FriOct 0618:00Simone GuttAround almost complex structures
FriOct 0615:00Claude LeBrunGravitational Instantons, Weyl Curvature, and Conformally Kahler Geometry
ThuSep 2817:30Tian-Jun LiUniruled symplectic surfaces
FriSep 2215:00Masafumi HattoriK-stability of CY fibrations over curves
FriSep 1515:00Daniel LittHodge theory, braid groups, and some questions about 2x2 matrices
FriMay 1215:00Simon JubertA Yau-Tian-Donaldson correspondence on a class of toric fibrations
FriMay 0515:00Yoshinori HashimotoUniform Hörmander estimates for flat nontrivial line bundles
FriApr 2815:00Xiaojun WuCompact K\"ahler threefold with nef anticanonical line bundle
FriApr 2115:00Alejandro AdemMinimal Euler Characteristics for Even-Dimensional Manifolds with Finite Fundamental Group
FriApr 2114:00Emily CliffSmooth 2-groups and their principal bundles
FriApr 1415:00Fraser BinnsAlmost L-space knots
FriMar 3115:00Mihai PaunInfinitesimal extension of pluricanonical forms and injectivity.
FriMar 2415:00Tristan Ozuch4-dimensional specific aspects of Ricci flows
FriMar 1715:00Panagiotis DimakisBAA branes on the Hitchin moduli space from solutions to the extended Bogomolny equations
FriMar 1016:00Maxence MayrandHyperkähler metrics via deformation theory
FriFeb 2416:00Nathan GrieveOn Harder-Narasimhan data and the Central Limit Theorem
FriFeb 1716:00Maxime Fortier BourqueThe systole of hyperbolic surfaces
FriFeb 0316:00Nicholas McCleereyTBA
FriJan 2716:00Shih-Kai ChiuCalabi-Yau manifolds with maximal volume growth
FriJan 2016:00Yueqiao WuA non-Archimedean characterization of local K-stability
FriDec 1616:00Paula TruölStrongly quasipositive knots are concordant to infinitely many strongly quasipositive knots
MonDec 1216:00Kaya FerendoFI-calculus and representation stability
FriDec 0916:00Sally CollinsHomology cobordism and knot concordance
FriNov 2516:00Marcin SrokaMonge-Ampere equation in hypercomplex geometry
FriNov 1816:00Viktor KalvinDeterminants of Laplacians on compact surfaces with conical singularities
FriNov 1116:00Takahiro AoiA conical approximation of constant scalar curvature K\”{a}hler metrics of Poincar\’{e} type and log K-semistability
FriNov 0415:00Manh Tien NguyenMonotonicity theorems and how to compare them
FriOct 2815:00Clara AldanaPolyakov Formulas for conical singularities in two dimensions.
FriOct 2115:00Georg BiedermannCalculus in homotopy theory
FriOct 1415:00Carlo ScarpaScalar curvature and deformations of complex structures
FriOct 0715:00Ronan ConlanShrinking Kahler-Ricci solitons
FriSep 3015:00Mathieu AnelIntroduction to non-separated topology
FriSep 2315:00Ruiran SunOn slope and valuative K-semistability for big and nef birational divisors
FriSep 0215:00Eric FinsterHomotopy Theory and Constructive Mathematics
FriMay 2715:00Aldo WitteSingular fibrations in toric and Poisson geometry
FriMay 0615:00Joel KamnitzerSymplectic duality and affine Grassmannian slices
FriApr 2915:00Jean-Philippe BurellePiecewise circular curves and flag positivity.
FriApr 2215:00Alexandre GirouardSteklov eigenvalues, homogenization and free boundary minimal surfaces
FriApr 0815:00Allison MooreCosmetic surgery, cosmetic crossings
FriApr 0115:00Alan ReidEmbedding and bounding geometrically rational homology 3-spheres
FriMar 1116:00Louis IoosQuantization methods in the Yau-Tian-Donaldson program
FriFeb 2516:00Jacob CaudellLens space surgeries, lattices, and the Poincaré homology sphere.
FriFeb 1816:00Ruiran SunTBA
FriFeb 1116:00Kyle HaydenWhere are the complex curves in Khovanov homology?
FriJan 2816:00Xi Sisi ShenA Chern-Calabi flow on Hermitian Manifolds
FriJan 2116:00Francesco LinClosed geodesics and Frøyshov invariants of hyperbolic three-manifolds
FriJan 1416:00Ethan AddisonGeneralizing Poincaré-Type Kähler Metrics
FriDec 1716:00Adam JacobSpecial Lagrangian torus fibrations on Del Pezzo and Rational Elliptic Surfaces
FriDec 1016:00Nathan GrieveOn topics that surround the Cone Theorem, K-stability and Diophantine Arithmetic Geometry
FriDec 0316:00Steven SivekTBA
FriNov 2616:00Gilles CarronKato's Limits
FriNov 1916:00Ya DengBig Picard theorem for varieties admitting nilpotent harmonic bundles
FriNov 1216:00Ruadhai DervanStability conditions for polarised varieties
FriNov 0515:30Sucharit SarkarMixed invariants in Khovanov homology for unorientable cobordisms
FriOct 2915:00Marco Golla3-manifolds that bound no definite 4-manifold
FriOct 2215:00Yang LiMetric SYZ conjecture
FriOct 1515:00Peter FellerBraids, quasimorphisms, and slice-Bennequin inequalities
FriSep 2415:00Xuwen ZhuConstant curvature conical metrics
FriSep 1715:00Alix DeruelleA relative entropy for expanders of the Ricci flow (joint work with Felix Schulze, Warwick University)
FriMay 1415:00Ziwen ZhuEquivariant K-stability and valuative criteria
FriMay 0715:00Tye LidmanSU(2) representations for toroidal homology spheres
FriApr 3015:00Wenhao OuProjective varieties whose tangent bundle contains certain positivity / Variétés projectives dont le fibré tangent contient certaine positivité
FriApr 2315:00Johnny NicholsonProjective modules and exotic group presentations
FriApr 0915:00Marco MarengonRelative genus bounds in indefinite 4-manifolds
FriMar 2615:00Antonio AlfieriSymmetric knots and Floer homologies
FriMar 1916:00Philipp NaumannCurvature formula for direct images of relative canonical bundles with a Poincaré type twist
FriMar 1216:00Anthony ConwayKnotted surfaces with infinite cyclic knot group
FriFeb 2616:00Chris KottkeBigerbes and applications
FriFeb 1916:00Michael HallamStability of fibrations through geodesic analysis
FriFeb 1216:00Allison MillerAmphichiral knots with large 4-genera
FriFeb 0516:00Simone DiverioPointwise universal Gysin formulae and positivity of some characteristic forms
FriJan 2916:00Tarik AougabStatistics for random curves on surfaces
FriJan 2216:00Yohan BrunebarbeHigher-dimensional Arakelov inequalities and applications to hyperbolicity
FriJan 1516:00Mario Garcia-FernandezGravitating vortices with positive curvature
FriDec 1116:00Matei TomaBoundedness for sets of coherent analytic sheaves
FriNov 2716:00Mykola MatviichukA local Torelli theorem for log symplectic manifolds
FriNov 2016:00Neil HoffmanConjectures related to knot complement commensurability
FriNov 1316:00Michelle ChuPrescribed virtual torsion in the homology of 3-manifolds
FriNov 0616:00Philip GriffithsSome geometric applications of Hodge theory
FriOct 3015:00Hugues AuvrayNoyaux de Bergman sur les surfaces de Riemann épointées
FriOct 2315:00Aru RayEmbedding surfaces in 4-manifolds
FriOct 1615:00Yi NiSeifert fibered surgeries on hyperbolic fibered knots
FriOct 0915:00Christina Tonnesen-FriedmanSasaki-Einstein metrics and the Iterated join
FriOct 0215:00Junyan CaoOn the Ohsawa-Takegoshi extension theorem
FriSep 2515:00Jonathan JohnsonBi-Orderability and Pretzel Knots
FriSep 1815:00Carlo ScarpaThe Hitchin-cscK system
FriSep 1115:00Andrew LobbThe rectangular peg problem
FriJul 2415:00Livio LiechtiDivide knots of maximal genus defect
FriJul 1715:00Joshua HowieTBA
FriJul 1015:00Gabriele MondelloOn spherical surfaces of genus 1 with 1 conical point
FriJul 0315:00Nicolina IstratiVariational problems in conformal geometry
FriJun 2615:00Martin BobbDecomposition along flats for convex projective manifolds
FriJun 1915:00Vaibhav GadreStatistical hyperbolicity of Teichmuller spaces
FriJun 1215:00Eiji Inouemu-cscK metrics and muK-stability of polarized manifolds
FriJun 0515:00Ben WeinkoveThe Chern-Ricci flow
FriMay 2915:00Lukas LewarkSqueezed knots
FriMay 2215:00Patrick OrsonTopologically embedding spheres in knot traces
FriMay 1515:00Ekaterina AmerikAround the cone conjecture for hyperkähler manifolds
FriMay 0815:00Henri GuenanciaFamilies of singular Kähler-Einstein metrics
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