European Quantum Algebra Lectures (EQuAL)


Audience: Researchers in the topic
Seminar series time: Every other Wednesday 10:00-11:00 in your time zone, UTC
Organizers: Robert Laugwitz*, Ana Ros Camacho*, Sam Hannah
*contact for this listing

EQuAL is a new online seminar series on quantum algebra and related topics such as topological and conformal field theory, operator algebra, representation theory, quantum topology, etc.

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Past talks
Your timeSpeakerTitle
WedMar 0510:00Edmund HengTBA
WedMar 1910:00Xiaoting ZhangTBA
WedMay 0709:00Isaac OppongTBA
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WedFeb 1910:45NiveditaModels for 2-Hilb and 3-Hilb as target categories for Functorial Field Theories
WedFeb 0510:00Anna LachowskaCombinatorics of the center of the small quantum group
WedJan 2210:00Ramona WolfComputing F-symbols for the center of a fusion category via tube algebras
WedDec 1810:00Mizuki OikawaCenter construction for group-crossed tensor categories
WedDec 0410:00Zahra NazemianPoisson Modules over Hopf Poisson Order Algebras
WedNov 0610:00Hankyung KoDiagrammatic singular Soergel bimodules
WedOct 2309:00Sebastian BurciuBurnside vanishing type properties for fusion categories
WedOct 0909:00John BarrettGray categories with duals and their diagrams
ThuJun 2013:00Fabio Calderón MateusClassification of graded Hopf algebra quotients
ThuJun 0608:00Agustina CzenkyUnoriented 2-dimensional TQFTs and the category Rep(S_t \wr Z_2)
ThuMay 2309:00Léo SchelstraeteOdd Khovanov homology and higher representation theory
ThuMay 0909:00Alexis Langlois-RémillardQuotients of the affine Temperley-Lieb algebras with a view towards generalised Deligne interpolation categories
ThuMar 1410:00Tudor DimofteFinding quantum groups in QFT
ThuFeb 2910:00Martina BalagovicBraided Module Categories
ThuFeb 1510:00Jacob BridgemanInvertible Bimodule Categories and Generalized Schur Orthogonality
ThuFeb 0110:00Fiona TorzewskaTopological quantum field theories and homotopy cobordisms
ThuJan 1810:00Yuri BazlovCocycle and Galois cocycle twists of algebras, representations and orders
ThuDec 1410:00Emily NortonDecomposition numbers for unipotent blocks with small sl_2-weight in finite classical groups
ThuNov 3010:00Azat GainutdinovNon-semisimple link and manifold invariants for symplectic fermions
ThuNov 1610:00Frank TaipeQuantum Transformation Groupoids
ThuNov 0210:00Tobias DyckerhoffComplexes of stable $\infty$-categories
ThuOct 1909:00Joost VercruysseGeneralizations of Yetter-Drinfel'd modules and the center construction of monoidal categories
ThuOct 0509:00Tomoyuki ArakawaHilbert Schemes of the points in the plane and quasi-lisse vertex superalgebras
MonMay 2214:00Paolo SaraccoClosed categories, modules and (one-sided) Hopf algebras
MonApr 2414:00Leandro VendraminNichols algebras
MonMar 2714:00Bojana FemicCategorical centers and Yetter Drinfel`d-modules as 2-categorical (bi)lax structures
MonMar 1315:00Marco De RenziAlgebraic presentation of cobordisms and quantum invariants in dimensions 3 and 4
MonFeb 2715:00Ana KontrecRepresentation theory and duality properties of some affine W-algebras
MonFeb 1315:00Angela TabiriPlane Curves which are Quantum Homogeneous Spaces
MonDec 1915:00Vanessa MiemietzSymmetric bimodules and Hopf algebras
MonDec 0515:00Lukas MüllerReflection Structures and Spin Statistics in Low Dimensions
MonNov 2115:00Lukas WoikeQuantum representations of mapping class groups and factorization homology
MonNov 0715:00Catherine MeusburgerTuraev-Viro-Barrett-Westbury invariants with defects
MonOct 2414:00Lorant SzegedyParity and Spin conformal field theory with boundaries and defects
MonOct 1014:00Shahn MajidQuantum Riemannian Geometry of the A_n graph
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