Forum "Economic principles in cell physiology"

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cell biology computational biology evolution physiology systems biology biophysics

Audience: Researchers in the topic
Seminar series times: No fixed schedule
Organizers: Wolfram Liebermeister*, Frank Bruggeman, Irene Otero Muras, Niccolò Totis, Ralf Steuer, Steffen Waldherr, Terry Hwa
*contact for this listing

The Forum seminar takes place once a month (on the first Tuesday of each month)

Topics and speakers are announced on our website:

To obtain a zoom link for a given session, please register at

Upcoming talks
Past talks
Your timeSpeakerTitle
TueNov 0712:00Kevin VerstrepenResource allocation in yeast (2)
TueSep 0511:00Pranas GrigaitisResource allocation in yeast (1)
TueJul 0411:00Lisa FürtauerSubcellular plant metabolism
TueApr 1815:30Nathalie Balaban and Ulrich GerlandThe physiology of non-growing cells
TueApr 0415:30TBANon-growing bacteria
TueMar 0716:30Axel Theorell and Aljoscha WahlObjective functions for simulating microbial communities
TueFeb 0716:30Michael Manhart and Noelle Held, and Meike WortelBacteria under nutrient limitation
TueDec 0616:30Group work, moderated by Wolfram LiebermeisterOptimality principles in cell biology
TueNov 0116:30Andrew TraversRegulation of gene expression and growth by DNA supercoiling
TueNov 0116:30Sam MeyerRegulation of gene expression and growth by DNA supercoiling
TueOct 0415:30Richard GourseTopic:" Cell growth control and ppGpp"
TueOct 0415:30Vasili HauryliukTopic:" Cell growth control and ppGpp"
TueOct 0415:30Terry HwaTopic:" Cell growth control and ppGpp"
TueSep 0615:30Jean-Marie VollandTopic: "Giant bacteria"
TueSep 0615:30Sergio Muñoz-GómezTopic: "Eukaryotic evolution"
TueAug 0215:30TBATBA
TueJun 2815:30TBAObjective functions for cell communities
TueJun 2815:30Karoline Faust and Daniel Rios GarzaDynamics and metabolic strategies in gut bacterial consortia
TueJun 0715:30Sebastian Lücker and Jan-Ulrich KreftMicrobial division of labor
ThuJul 0315:30Suzana Goncalves LelesTBA
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