Geometry and Physics @ Lisbon

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mathematical physics algebraic geometry algebraic topology differential geometry representation theory symplectic geometry

Faculty of Sciences, Universidade de Lisboa

Audience: Researchers in the topic
Seminar series times: No fixed schedule
Organizer: Carlos Florentino*
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TueFeb 2513:30Marcos Petrúcio CavalcanteStability of extremal domains
WedFeb 2614:00Markus KiderlenCrofton-type Formulae in Rotational Integral Geometry
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MonFeb 1711:00Alejandro CallejaCharacter Varieties in Knot Theory
FriJan 1015:00Giosuè MuratoreCounts of lines with tangency conditions in A1-homotopy
WedNov 0616:00Andrew P. TurnerHiggsing on SU(N) Symmetric Matter and its F-theory Realization
WedJun 1910:00Sean LawtonThe SU(2,1)-character variety of the 1-holed torus
TueJun 1810:00Ángel González-PrietoCharacter Varieties of Knots
WedJan 1011:00Miguel MoreiraThe cohomology ring of moduli spaces of 1-dimensional sheaves on $\mathbb P^2$
ThuJul 0610:00Vicente MuñozA Smale-Barden manifold admitting K-contact but no Sasakian structure
TueJul 0410:00Luca ScalaCohomology of tautological boundles on Hilbert schemes of point and related problems
ThuJun 2210:00Azizeh NozadSerre polynomials of character varieties of free groups
TueJun 2010:00Vadim LeboviciEuler calculus and its applications
TueMay 1610:00Wilhelm SchlagLyapunov exponents, Schrödinger cocycles, and Avila’s global theory
ThuMay 1110:00Giosuè MuratoreEnumeration of rational contact curves: the irreducible case
TueApr 1810:00Leonardo SantilliQuivers counting monster potentials
TueMar 2810:00Xavier BlotThe quantum Witten-Kontsevich series
TueFeb 2811:00Gonçalo OliveiraFrom electrostatics to geodesics in K3 surfaces
MonFeb 1311:00Herwig HauserModuli of n points on the projective line
FriFeb 1011:00Herwig HauserModuli of n points on the projective line
ThuFeb 0911:00Herwig HauserModuli of n points on the projective line
FriFeb 0311:00Herwig HauserModuli of n points on the projective line
ThuFeb 0211:00Herwig HauserModuli of n points on the projective line
MonJan 3011:00Jean Douçotsomonodromic deformations and generalised braid groups
TueDec 0611:00Davide GuzzettiIntroduction to isomonodromy deformations and applications
FriJun 2410:30Giosuè MuratoreIntroduction to Gromov-Witten invariants, IV
WedJun 2210:30Giosuè MuratoreIntroduction to Gromov-Witten invariants, III
FriJun 1710:30Giosuè MuratoreIntroduction to Gromov-Witten invariants, II
WedJun 1512:30Giosuè MuratoreIntroduction to Gromov-Witten invariants, I
FriOct 2914:00Giosuè MuratoreEnumeration of rational contact curves via torus actions
MonJun 2113:00Sean LawtonPoisson maps between character varieties
MonJun 1413:00Sean LawtonFlawed Groups
FriMay 1414:00Stéphane GuillermouStable Gauss map of nearby Lagrangians
FriApr 1614:00Pierre SchapiraEuler calculus of constructible functions and applications
FriMar 1915:00Ricardo CamposConfiguration spaces of points and their homotopy type
FriFeb 1914:00Thomas KrämerSemicontinuity of Gauss maps and the Schottky problem
FriFeb 1910:00Giordano CottiFrobenius manifolds, irregular singularities, and isomonodromy deformations, Lecture V
ThuFeb 1810:00Giordano CottiFrobenius manifolds, irregular singularities, and isomonodromy deformations, Lecture IV
TueFeb 1610:00Giordano CottiFrobenius manifolds, irregular singularities, and isomonodromy deformations, Lecture III
ThuFeb 1110:00Giordano CottiFrobenius manifolds, irregular singularities, and isomonodromy deformations, Lecture II
TueFeb 0910:00Giordano CottiFrobenius manifolds, irregular singularities, and isomonodromy deformations, Lecture I
FriJan 2214:00André OliveiraLie algebras and higher Teichmüller components
WedDec 1614:00Giordano CottiQuantum differential equations, isomonodromic deformations, and derived categories
FriOct 2313:15Davide MasoeroThe Painlevé I equation and the A2 quiver
FriJul 2412:30Gonçalo TabuadaNoncommutative Weil conjectures
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