Geometric Structures Research Seminar

algebraic geometry differential geometry metric geometry optimization and control probability symplectic geometry spectral theory

SISSA Trieste

Audience: Researchers in the topic
Seminar series time: Tuesday 13:00-15:00 in your time zone, UTC
Organizers: Antonio Lerario*, Luca Rizzi*
*contact for this listing

Co-organised by the research groups of Andrei Agrachev, Antonio Lerario and Luca Rizzi in SISSA, Trieste, Italy.

Zoom streaming is momentarily suspended, it will be resumed in the course of 2025, pending renovation of the seminar room's equipment.

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Past talks
Your timeSpeakerTitle
TueFeb 1813:00Pepijn Roos HoefgeestChristoffel polynomials for Topological Data Analysis
ThuFeb 0613:00Alessandro SocionovoNon-smooth sub-Riemannian length minimizing curves
TueJan 2113:00Mikhail KorobkovFrom the theorems of Morse, Sard, Dubovitskii and Federer to the Luzin N-property: the story so far.
ThuDec 1213:00Ludovic RiffordMinimal rank Sard Conjecture in sub-Riemannian geometry
TueJun 1812:00Giorgio SaraccoExistence of minimizers of Cheeger's functional among convex sets
TueJun 1112:00Yosef YomdinSuper-resolution, classical Moment Theory, and some Real Algebraic Geometry
TueJun 0412:00Michele StecconiSobolev-Malliavin regularity of the nodal volume
TueMay 2112:00Felix RydellNearest Point Problems in Computer Vision
TueMay 0712:00Joe HoisingtonEnergy-minimizing mappings of real and complex projective spaces
TueApr 0912:00Giuseppe PipoliVanishing theorems for minimal stable hypersurfaces
TueMar 2613:00Eugenio BelliniGeometry and topology of 3D-contact sub-Riemannian manifolds
TueMar 1913:00Tommaso RossiWeyl's tube formula in sub-Riemannian geometry
TueMar 1213:00Mattia MagnaboscoFailure of the curvature-dimension condition in sub-Finsler manifolds
TueMar 0509:00Andrea RosanaThe Grassmann Distance Degree
TueFeb 2713:00Armin RainerOn the semialgebraic Whitney extension problem
TueFeb 2013:00Ivan BeschastnyiSymplectic geometry for boundary conditions of Grushin operators
TueFeb 1313:00Valentino MagnaniArea of intrinsic graphs in homogeneous groups
TueFeb 0613:00Michele MottaLyapunov exponents of linear switched systems
TueJan 3013:00Daniele TiberioSard theorems in infinite dimensions and applications to sub-Riemannian geometry
TueJan 2313:00Giovanni RussoNearly Kähler metrics and torus symmetry
ThuJan 1113:00Cyril LetrouitNodal sets of eigenfunctions of sub-Laplacians
MonSep 0409:00Paweł NurowskiExceptional real Lie algebras $f_4$ and $e_6$ via contactifications
ThuJun 1512:00Samuël BorzaMCP and geodesic dimension of sub-Finsler Heisenberg groups
ThuJun 0109:00Lev BirbrairLipschitz Geometry of Germs of Real Surfaces
FriMay 1909:00Tomasso RossiFirst-order heat content asymptotics on RCD(K,N) spaces
FriApr 0709:00Igor ZelenkoGromov's h-principle for corank two distribution of odd rank with maximal first Kronecker index
ThuMar 0213:00Brendan GuilfoyleFrom CT Scans to four-manifold topology
ThuFeb 1613:00Yuri SachkovSub-Lorentzian problem on the Heisenberg group (Yu. Sachkov, E. Sachkova)
ThuJan 1913:00Kenshiro TashiroSystolic inequality and volume of the unit ball in Carnot groups
ThuDec 1513:00Valentino MagnaniSurface area on sub-Riemannian measure manifolds
ThuNov 1713:00Ching-Peng HuangBrownian motion under the Bures-Wasserstein geometry
ThuNov 1013:00Alexey PodobryaevAttainable sets for step 2 free Carnot groups with non-negative controls and inequalities for independent random variables
ThuOct 2708:00David SykesAbsolute parallelism constructions for 2-nondegenerate CR hypersurfaces
TueSep 1312:00Pawel NurowskiWhat is a para-CR structure of type (k,r,s) and why it describes geometry of ODEs and PDEs of finite type
ThuJul 2812:00Georges ComteMotivic Vitushkin's invariants
MonJun 2714:00Tim LauxThe large-data limit of the MBO scheme for data clustering
ThuJun 1612:00Igor ZelenkoMorse inequalities for eigenvalue branches of generic families of self-adjoint matrices
ThuJun 0912:00Paul BREIDINGFacet Volumes of Polytopes
ThuMay 2612:00Carlos BELTRANSmale’s 7th problem: an overview
ThuMay 1212:00Arthur RENAUDINEAUReal structures on tropical varieties
ThuMay 0512:00Andrea ROSANAEquilibrium measures and logarithmic potential theory (Part 2 of 2)
ThuApr 2812:00Andrea ROSANAEquilibrium measures and logarithmic potential theory (Part 1 of 2)
ThuApr 2112:00Davide BARILARIBakry–Émery curvature and sub-Riemannian geometry
ThuMar 3112:00Andrea MONDINOMinimal boundaries in non-smooth spaces with Ricci Curvature bounded below
ThuMar 2413:00Alessandro PORTALURISpectral stability, spectral flow and circular relative equilibria for the Newtonian n-body problem
ThuMar 1713:00Alexis AUMONIERAn h-principle for complements of discriminants
ThuFeb 2413:00David TEWODROSEKato limit spaces
ThuDec 1613:00Daniele TiberioThe entropy Morse-Sard Theorem III
ThuDec 0213:00Daniele TiberioThe entropy Morse-Sard Theorem II
ThuNov 2513:00Daniele TiberioThe entropy Morse-Sard Theorem I
ThuNov 1113:00Yassine El MaazouzLocal fields: Gaussian measures and random processes
TueJul 0612:00Paolo AntoniniInfinite dimensional grassmannians, quantum states and optimal transport
TueJun 2914:15Yosef YomdinEstimating high order derivatives of a function through geometry and topology of its zero set
TueJun 2214:15Hamza OunesliMinimal entropy of geometric 3-manifolds
TueJun 1514:15Boulos El HilanyComputing efficiently the non-properness set of polynomial maps on the plane
TueJun 0814:15Matthew KahleConfigurations spaces of particles: homological solid, liquid, and gas
TueJun 0114:15Ursula LudwigThe Witten deformation on singular spaces
TueMay 2514:15Damien GayetAsymptotic topology of random excursion sets
TueMay 1814:15Boulos El HilanyComputing efficiently the non-properness set of polynomial maps on the plane
TueMay 1114:15Julian SahasrabudheAnti-concentration and the geometry of polynomials
TueMay 0414:15Michele StecconiSemicontinuity of Betti numbers: A little surgery cannot kill homology
TueApr 2714:15Jan DraismaInfinite-dimensional geometry with symmetry
TueApr 2014:15Emil HorobertThe critical curvature degree of an algebraic variety
TueApr 1314:15Francesco GaluppiSignature tensors of paths
TueApr 0614:15Eugenii ShustinExpressive geometry
TueMar 3014:15Miruna-Stefana SoreaPoincaré-Reeb trees of real Milnor fibres
TueMar 2315:15Martin LotzConcentration of Measure in Integral Geometry
TueMar 1615:15Carlos BeltránThe average condition number of different problems, from a geometric perspective
TueMar 0915:15Khazhgali KozhasovOn minimality of determinantal varieties
TueMar 0215:15Akos MatszangoszCohomology rings of real flag manifolds
TueFeb 2315:15Clayton ShonkwilerThe (Symplectic) Geometry of Spaces of Frames
TueFeb 1615:15Olga Paris-RomaskevichTiling billiards in periodic tilings by equal triangles (and quadrilaterals)
TueFeb 0915:15Erlend GrongOn the equivalence problem in sub-Riemannian geometry
TueFeb 0215:00Noémie CombeComplement of the discriminant variety, Gauss–skizze operads and hidden symmetries
TueJan 2615:00Olga Paris-RomaskevichTiling billiards in periodic tilings by equal triangles (and quadrilaterals)
TueJan 1915:00Kathlén KohnThe adjoint of a polytope
TueJan 1215:00Alessandro TamaiSingular solutions spaces of rolling balls problem
TueDec 1515:00Lev BuhovskyCritical points of eigenfunctions
MonDec 0715:00Maurizia RossiGeometrical properties of random eigenfunctions
TueDec 0114:00Gal BinyaminiCylindrical decomposition in real and complex geometry
TueNov 2415:00Raman SanyalNormally inscribable polytopes, routed trajectories, and reflection arrangements
TueNov 1715:00Miruna-Stefana SoreaDisguised toric dynamical systems
TueNov 0315:00Eero HakavuoriCarnot groups and abnormal dynamics
TueOct 2715:00Daniel Peralta-SalasThe topology of the nodal sets of eigenfunctions and a problem of Michael Berry.
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