Your time | Speaker | Title | |
Tue | Feb 18 | 13:00 | Pepijn Roos Hoefgeest | Christoffel polynomials for Topological Data Analysis | |
Thu | Feb 06 | 13:00 | Alessandro Socionovo | Non-smooth sub-Riemannian length minimizing curves | |
Tue | Jan 21 | 13:00 | Mikhail Korobkov | From the theorems of Morse, Sard, Dubovitskii and Federer to the Luzin N-property: the story so far. | |
Thu | Dec 12 | 13:00 | Ludovic Rifford | Minimal rank Sard Conjecture in sub-Riemannian geometry | |
Tue | Jun 18 | 12:00 | Giorgio Saracco | Existence of minimizers of Cheeger's functional among convex sets | |
Tue | Jun 11 | 12:00 | Yosef Yomdin | Super-resolution, classical Moment Theory, and some Real Algebraic Geometry | |
Tue | Jun 04 | 12:00 | Michele Stecconi | Sobolev-Malliavin regularity of the nodal volume | |
Tue | May 21 | 12:00 | Felix Rydell | Nearest Point Problems in Computer Vision | |
Tue | May 07 | 12:00 | Joe Hoisington | Energy-minimizing mappings of real and complex projective spaces | |
Tue | Apr 09 | 12:00 | Giuseppe Pipoli | Vanishing theorems for minimal stable hypersurfaces | |
Tue | Mar 26 | 13:00 | Eugenio Bellini | Geometry and topology of 3D-contact sub-Riemannian manifolds | |
Tue | Mar 19 | 13:00 | Tommaso Rossi | Weyl's tube formula in sub-Riemannian geometry | |
Tue | Mar 12 | 13:00 | Mattia Magnabosco | Failure of the curvature-dimension condition in sub-Finsler manifolds | |
Tue | Mar 05 | 09:00 | Andrea Rosana | The Grassmann Distance Degree | |
Tue | Feb 27 | 13:00 | Armin Rainer | On the semialgebraic Whitney extension problem | |
Tue | Feb 20 | 13:00 | Ivan Beschastnyi | Symplectic geometry for boundary conditions of Grushin operators | |
Tue | Feb 13 | 13:00 | Valentino Magnani | Area of intrinsic graphs in homogeneous groups | |
Tue | Feb 06 | 13:00 | Michele Motta | Lyapunov exponents of linear switched systems | |
Tue | Jan 30 | 13:00 | Daniele Tiberio | Sard theorems in infinite dimensions and applications to sub-Riemannian geometry | |
Tue | Jan 23 | 13:00 | Giovanni Russo | Nearly Kähler metrics and torus symmetry | |
Thu | Jan 11 | 13:00 | Cyril Letrouit | Nodal sets of eigenfunctions of sub-Laplacians | |
Mon | Sep 04 | 09:00 | Paweł Nurowski | Exceptional real Lie algebras $f_4$ and $e_6$ via contactifications | |
Thu | Jun 15 | 12:00 | Samuël Borza | MCP and geodesic dimension of sub-Finsler Heisenberg groups | |
Thu | Jun 01 | 09:00 | Lev Birbrair | Lipschitz Geometry of Germs of Real Surfaces | |
Fri | May 19 | 09:00 | Tomasso Rossi | First-order heat content asymptotics on RCD(K,N) spaces | |
Fri | Apr 07 | 09:00 | Igor Zelenko | Gromov's h-principle for corank two distribution of odd rank with maximal first Kronecker index | |
Thu | Mar 02 | 13:00 | Brendan Guilfoyle | From CT Scans to four-manifold topology | |
Thu | Feb 16 | 13:00 | Yuri Sachkov | Sub-Lorentzian problem on the Heisenberg group (Yu. Sachkov, E. Sachkova) | |
Thu | Jan 19 | 13:00 | Kenshiro Tashiro | Systolic inequality and volume of the unit ball in Carnot groups | |
Thu | Dec 15 | 13:00 | Valentino Magnani | Surface area on sub-Riemannian measure manifolds | |
Thu | Nov 17 | 13:00 | Ching-Peng Huang | Brownian motion under the Bures-Wasserstein geometry | |
Thu | Nov 10 | 13:00 | Alexey Podobryaev | Attainable sets for step 2 free Carnot groups with non-negative controls and inequalities for independent random variables | |
Thu | Oct 27 | 08:00 | David Sykes | Absolute parallelism constructions for 2-nondegenerate CR hypersurfaces | |
Tue | Sep 13 | 12:00 | Pawel Nurowski | What is a para-CR structure of type (k,r,s) and why it describes geometry of ODEs and PDEs of finite type | |
Thu | Jul 28 | 12:00 | Georges Comte | Motivic Vitushkin's invariants | |
Mon | Jun 27 | 14:00 | Tim Laux | The large-data limit of the MBO scheme for data clustering | |
Thu | Jun 16 | 12:00 | Igor Zelenko | Morse inequalities for eigenvalue branches of generic families of self-adjoint matrices | |
Thu | Jun 09 | 12:00 | Paul BREIDING | Facet Volumes of Polytopes | |
Thu | May 26 | 12:00 | Carlos BELTRAN | Smale’s 7th problem: an overview | |
Thu | May 12 | 12:00 | Arthur RENAUDINEAU | Real structures on tropical varieties | |
Thu | May 05 | 12:00 | Andrea ROSANA | Equilibrium measures and logarithmic potential theory (Part 2 of 2) | |
Thu | Apr 28 | 12:00 | Andrea ROSANA | Equilibrium measures and logarithmic potential theory (Part 1 of 2) | |
Thu | Apr 21 | 12:00 | Davide BARILARI | Bakry–Émery curvature and sub-Riemannian geometry | |
Thu | Mar 31 | 12:00 | Andrea MONDINO | Minimal boundaries in non-smooth spaces with Ricci Curvature bounded below | |
Thu | Mar 24 | 13:00 | Alessandro PORTALURI | Spectral stability, spectral flow and circular relative equilibria for the Newtonian n-body problem | |
Thu | Mar 17 | 13:00 | Alexis AUMONIER | An h-principle for complements of discriminants | |
Thu | Feb 24 | 13:00 | David TEWODROSE | Kato limit spaces | |
Thu | Dec 16 | 13:00 | Daniele Tiberio | The entropy Morse-Sard Theorem III | |
Thu | Dec 02 | 13:00 | Daniele Tiberio | The entropy Morse-Sard Theorem II | |
Thu | Nov 25 | 13:00 | Daniele Tiberio | The entropy Morse-Sard Theorem I | |
Thu | Nov 11 | 13:00 | Yassine El Maazouz | Local fields: Gaussian measures and random processes | |
Tue | Jul 06 | 12:00 | Paolo Antonini | Infinite dimensional grassmannians, quantum states and optimal transport | |
Tue | Jun 29 | 14:15 | Yosef Yomdin | Estimating high order derivatives of a function through geometry and topology of its zero set | |
Tue | Jun 22 | 14:15 | Hamza Ounesli | Minimal entropy of geometric 3-manifolds | |
Tue | Jun 15 | 14:15 | Boulos El Hilany | Computing efficiently the non-properness set of polynomial maps on the plane | |
Tue | Jun 08 | 14:15 | Matthew Kahle | Configurations spaces of particles: homological solid, liquid, and gas | |
Tue | Jun 01 | 14:15 | Ursula Ludwig | The Witten deformation on singular spaces | |
Tue | May 25 | 14:15 | Damien Gayet | Asymptotic topology of random excursion sets | |
Tue | May 18 | 14:15 | Boulos El Hilany | Computing efficiently the non-properness set of polynomial maps on the plane | |
Tue | May 11 | 14:15 | Julian Sahasrabudhe | Anti-concentration and the geometry of polynomials | |
Tue | May 04 | 14:15 | Michele Stecconi | Semicontinuity of Betti numbers: A little surgery cannot kill homology | |
Tue | Apr 27 | 14:15 | Jan Draisma | Infinite-dimensional geometry with symmetry | |
Tue | Apr 20 | 14:15 | Emil Horobert | The critical curvature degree of an algebraic variety | |
Tue | Apr 13 | 14:15 | Francesco Galuppi | Signature tensors of paths | |
Tue | Apr 06 | 14:15 | Eugenii Shustin | Expressive geometry | |
Tue | Mar 30 | 14:15 | Miruna-Stefana Sorea | Poincaré-Reeb trees of real Milnor fibres | |
Tue | Mar 23 | 15:15 | Martin Lotz | Concentration of Measure in Integral Geometry | |
Tue | Mar 16 | 15:15 | Carlos Beltrán | The average condition number of different problems, from a geometric perspective | |
Tue | Mar 09 | 15:15 | Khazhgali Kozhasov | On minimality of determinantal varieties | |
Tue | Mar 02 | 15:15 | Akos Matszangosz | Cohomology rings of real flag manifolds | |
Tue | Feb 23 | 15:15 | Clayton Shonkwiler | The (Symplectic) Geometry of Spaces of Frames | |
Tue | Feb 16 | 15:15 | Olga Paris-Romaskevich | Tiling billiards in periodic tilings by equal triangles (and quadrilaterals) | |
Tue | Feb 09 | 15:15 | Erlend Grong | On the equivalence problem in sub-Riemannian geometry | |
Tue | Feb 02 | 15:00 | Noémie Combe | Complement of the discriminant variety, Gauss–skizze operads and hidden symmetries | |
Tue | Jan 26 | 15:00 | Olga Paris-Romaskevich | Tiling billiards in periodic tilings by equal triangles (and quadrilaterals) | |
Tue | Jan 19 | 15:00 | Kathlén Kohn | The adjoint of a polytope | |
Tue | Jan 12 | 15:00 | Alessandro Tamai | Singular solutions spaces of rolling balls problem | |
Tue | Dec 15 | 15:00 | Lev Buhovsky | Critical points of eigenfunctions | |
Mon | Dec 07 | 15:00 | Maurizia Rossi | Geometrical properties of random eigenfunctions | |
Tue | Dec 01 | 14:00 | Gal Binyamini | Cylindrical decomposition in real and complex geometry | |
Tue | Nov 24 | 15:00 | Raman Sanyal | Normally inscribable polytopes, routed trajectories, and reflection arrangements | |
Tue | Nov 17 | 15:00 | Miruna-Stefana Sorea | Disguised toric dynamical systems | |
Tue | Nov 03 | 15:00 | Eero Hakavuori | Carnot groups and abnormal dynamics | |
Tue | Oct 27 | 15:00 | Daniel Peralta-Salas | The topology of the nodal sets of eigenfunctions and a problem of Michael Berry. | |