Input-to-State Stability and its Applications

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systems and control analysis of PDEs classical analysis and ODEs dynamical systems optimization and control

Audience: Researchers in the topic
Seminar series time: Wednesday 16:00-17:00 in your time zone, UTC
Organizers: Andrii Mironchenko*, Patrick Bachmann*
*contact for this listing

This is a seminar for the exchange of ideas in input-to-state stability (ISS) theory and related fields.

The scope of the Seminar includes but is not limited to

- ISS for finite-dimensional systems (ODEs, hybrid, impulsive, switched, discrete-time systems),

- Infinite-dimensional ISS theory (PDEs, evolution equations in Banach spaces, time-delay systems, infinite networks)

- Applications to robust control and observation, nonlinear control, network analysis, etc.


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Meeting-ID: 695 5356 7239

Password: 204161


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Upcoming talks
Past talks
Your timeSpeakerTitle
WedMar 1916:00Daniele AstolfiTBA
WedMar 2616:00Marcello FarinaStability analysis of neural network (NN) based control systems via Linear Matrix Inequalities with application to data-driven design of NN controllers with closed-loop guarantees
WedApr 0215:00Eduardo Sontag & Leilei CuiTBA
WedMay 0715:00Sahiba AroraTBA
WedMay 1415:00Sergey DashkovskiyTBA
WedOct 2215:00Zhong-Ping JiangTBA
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Your timeSpeakerTitle
WedJul 1715:00Jean AuriolStabilization of systems of coupled hyperbolic PDEs and characterization of their ISS properties using Lyapunov functions
WedJul 1015:00Abolfazl LavaeiFormal Learning and Control of Large-Scale Cyber-Physical Systems via ISS Properties
WedJul 0315:00Andrea BisoffiData-driven input-to-state stabilization
WedJun 1215:00Antoine GirardTowards gain-optimal ISS controllers for finite state systems
WedJun 0515:00Michael MalisoffEvent-Triggered Control Using Interval Observers
WedMay 2915:00Tengfei LiuSingular Perturbation: When the Perturbation Parameter Becomes a State-Dependent Function
WedMay 2215:00Pauline BernardISS-like properties in observer design with non-invertible change of coordinates
WedMay 1515:00Vincent AndrieuAdding an integral action to controlled PDE subject to input nonlinearities
WedFeb 2116:00Sophie TarbouriechDynamic output feedback with adaptive saturation or dead-zone
WedFeb 1416:00Lucas BrivadisForward completeness and bounded reachability sets for time-delay systems: the role of the state space
WedJan 3116:00Fabian WirthThe characterization of ISS for time-delay systems: Results and Counterexamples
WedJan 2416:00Matthias MüllerIncremental input/output-to-state stability and its application in the analysis and design of optimization-based state estimators
WedJan 1716:00Andrii MironchenkoRevisiting Lyapunov-Krasovskii methodology for robust stability analysis of time-delay systems
WedJan 1016:00Sergiy ZhukSimulation-friendly detectability and ISS conditions for turbulent Navier-Stokes equations with unknown inputs
WedDec 0616:00Delphine Bresch-PietriInput-to-State Stability and converse Lyapunov Theorem for Linear Difference Equations and Hyperbolic Partial Differential Equations
WedNov 2916:00Maurice HeemelsProjected Dynamics in Control
WedNov 2216:00Nicolás EspitiaEvent-triggered boundary control of an unstable reaction diffusion PDE with input delay
WedNov 1516:00Hernan HaimovichForward Completeness is not robust for time-delay Systems: Intuition, counterintuition and consequences
WedNov 0816:00Felix SchwenningerBIBO stability and ISS for infinite-dimensional systems
WedOct 2515:00Jun ZhengISS for the Burgers’ Equation with Dirichlet Boundary Disturbances and the Generalized Lyapunov Method
WedOct 1815:00Iasson KarafyllisLet’s Use Delays in Adaptive Control!
WedAug 0915:00Masashi WakaikiSemi-uniform ISS and iISS of infinite-dimensional systems
WedAug 0215:00Andrii MironchenkoRobust forward completeness: a bridge between well-posedness and stability.
WedJul 2615:00Emilia FridmanExtremum seeking via a time-delay approach to averaging
WedJul 1915:00Antoine ChailletISS for delay systems: an overview and some open questions
WedJul 1215:00David AngeliInput-to-State Stability for Complex Dynamics
WedJul 0515:00Sergey DashkovskiyInterconnected systems with possibly unstable subsystems
WedJun 2815:00Marius TucsnakISS type properties of some fluid dynamics systems
WedJun 2115:00Christophe PrieurBoundary feedback stabilization of freeway traffic networks: ISS control and experiments
WedJun 1415:00Fabian WirthVariants of Two-Measure Input-to-State Stability
WedJun 0715:00José Luis Mancilla-AguilarFrom ISS to iISS without the use of Lyapunov functions: a difficult path leading to greater generality
WedMay 3115:00Lars GrüneCurse-of-dimensionality-free computation of (control-)Lyapunov functions via ISS small-gain techniques and neural networks
WedMay 2415:00Swann MarxISS Lyapunov functional strictification for the output regulation of a Korteweg-de Vries equation
ThuFeb 1016:00Chris GuiverThe exponential input-to-state stability property — characterisations and feedback interconnections
ThuFeb 0316:00Wilfrid PerruquettiNon-Asymptotic output feedback of a double integrator: a separation principle.
ThuJan 2016:00Pierdomenico PepeNonlinear Halanay's Inequalities for ISS of Retarded Systems: the Continuous and the Discrete Time Case
ThuJan 1316:00Aneel TanwaniInput-to-State Stability of Switched Systems under Dwell-Time Conditions
ThuDec 0916:00Rami KatzFinite-dimensional observer-based ISS and $L^2$-gain control of parabolic PDEs
ThuDec 0216:00Felix SchwenningerRecent results on ISS Lyapunov functions
ThuNov 1816:00Ricardo SanfeliceObservers for Hybrid Dynamical Systems: Models, Necessary Conditions, and Systematic Design
ThuOct 2815:00Antoine ChailletPoint-wise dissipation in time-delay systems: recent results and open questions
ThuOct 0715:00Andrey PolyakovOn Input-to-State Stability of Homogeneous Evolution Equations
ThuSep 3015:00No Seminar this week, but consider taking part in the SCINDIS Workshop (27-29 Sep 2021, fully online, zero conference fee)3rd Workshop on Stability and Control of Infinite-Dimensional Systems (SCINDIS 2020)
ThuJul 2915:00Romain PostoyanEvent-Triggered Control Through the Eyes of Hybrid Small-Gain Theorem
ThuJul 2215:00Miroslav KrsticFixed-Time ISS and Prescribed-Time Stabilization
ThuJul 1515:00Iasson KarafyllisIOS-gains and asymptotic gains for linear systems
ThuJul 0815:00Christoph KawanA Lyapunov-based small-gain approach to ISS of infinite nonlinear networks
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