Non-local operators, probability and singularities


Audience: Researchers in the topic
Seminar series time: Tuesday 14:00-15:00 in your time zone, UTC
Organizers: Damir Kinzebulatov*, Stéphane Menozzi, Karol Szczypkowski*
*contact for this listing
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Past talks
Your timeSpeakerTitle
TueMar 1114:00Federica GregorioTBA
TueApr 0113:00Nicolas PerkowskiTBA
TueApr 0813:00Lucio GaleatiTBA
TueApr 2213:00Cédric BernardinTBA
TueMay 1313:00Alexandre VeretennikovTBA
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Your timeSpeakerTitle
TueFeb 1814:00Eryan HuDirichlet heat kernel estimates for rectilinear stable processes
TueFeb 1114:00Giorgio MetafuneThe spectrum of the Ornstein-Uhlenbeck operator
TueJan 2114:00Haojie Hou, Xicheng ZhangHeat kernel estimates for nonlocal kinetic operators
TueJan 0714:00Yoan TardyCollisions of the supercritical Keller-Segel particle system
TueDec 1712:00Enrico ValdinociNonlocal minimal surfaces: a tricky question about the strict maximum principle
TueDec 0314:00Katarzyna Pietruska-PałubaFunctional identities related to nonlocal Levy processes: Douglas, Hardy-Stein
TueNov 1214:00Adam BobrowskiA couple of recent approximations of skew Brownian motion
TueOct 2914:00Tomasz KomorowskiDiffusive and superdiffusive limits for a kinetic equation with a transmitting-reflecting-absorbing boundary condition
TueOct 0813:00Aníbal Rodríguez BernalHomogeneous spaces, operators and semigroups: optimal estimates and selfsimilarity
TueSep 2413:00Sergio AndrausCollision times of multivariate Bessel processes with their Weyl chambers' boundaries and their Hausdorff dimension
TueJul 0213:00Aleksandar MijatovićSubexponential lower bounds for $f$-ergodic Markov processes
TueJun 1813:00Ivan BiočićSemilinear equations for subordinate spectral Laplacian: moderate and large solutions
TueMay 2813:00Milica TomasevicParticle approximation of the doubly parabolic Keller-Segel equation in the plane
TueMay 2113:00Huyuan ChenThe Cauchy problem associated to the logarithmic Laplacian
TueMay 0713:00René SchillingThe Liouville Theorem for Lévy Generators (and beyond) and the Unique Continuation Property
TueApr 1615:00Krzysztof BurdzySimple nonlinear PDEs inspired by billiards
TueApr 0913:00Nikita SimonovFast diffusion equations, tails and convergence rates
TueMar 1914:00Alberto SaldañaThe logarithmic Laplacian: a new tool in the analysis of PDEs with fractional diffusions
TueMar 1214:00Zimo HaoSDEs with supercritical distributional drifts
TueMar 0514:00Franco FlandoliStochasticity into fluids
TueJan 2314:00Vassili KolokoltsovConvergence rates for functional central limit theorems with stable laws and domains of quasi-attraction
TueDec 1914:00José Luis Pérez GarmendiaMulti-armed Lévy bandits with periodic decision opportunities
TueDec 0514:00Francesco RussoWeak Dirichlet processes with jumps and applications
TueNov 2114:00Nguyen H. LamHardy-Rellich type inequalities: A new approach and symmetrization principle
TueNov 1414:00Zhen-Qing ChenBoundary Harnack principle for non-local operators
TueOct 2413:00Phan Thành NamCwikel-Lieb-Rozenblum type estimates for Schrödinger operators with Hardy potential
TueOct 0313:00Elena IssoglioMcKean SDEs with singular coefficients
TueJul 1113:00Guohuan ZhaoLévy-type operators with low singularity kernels: regularity estimates and martingale problem
TueJun 2713:00Vincenzo AmbrosioThe nonlinear fractional relativistic Schrödinger equation
TueJun 0613:00Alexei KulikDrift reduction and parametrix construction for stochastic differential equations driven by cylindrical Lévy noises.
TueMay 2314:00Nikolay KrylovOn weak solutions of time inhomogeneous Ito's equations with VMO diffusion and Morrey drift
TueMay 1613:00Marvin WeidnerThe nonlocal Bernstein technique and the nonlocal obstacle problem
TueApr 0413:00Oleg ButkovskyStochastic equations with singular drift driven by fractional Brownian motion
TueMar 1414:00Krzysztof BogdanThe fractional Laplacian with reflections
TueFeb 0714:00Renming SongPotential theory of Dirichlet forms with jump kernels blowing up at the boundary
TueJan 3114:00Xicheng ZhangSecond order fractional mean-field SDEs with singular kernels and measure initial data
TueJan 2414:00Lorenzo MarinoWeak regularisation by degenerate Lévy noise
TueJan 1714:00Jean-François JabirMultidimensional stable-driven McKean-Vlasov SDEs with distributional interaction kernel
TueDec 2014:00Sergio PolidoroAsymptotic bounds for the relativistic Fokker-Planck operator
TueDec 1314:00The Anh BuiOn Sobolev norms involving generalized Hardy operators
TueDec 0614:00Fabrice BaudoinAsymptotic windings of the unitary Brownian motion
TueNov 1514:00Xue-Mei LiHessian estimates of the logarithmic heat kernel
TueNov 0813:00Abdelaziz RhandiBounds for the gradient of the transition kernel for elliptic operators with unbounded diffusion, drift and potential terms
TueOct 2513:00Kaj NyströmParabolic uniform rectifiability and caloric measure I: $A_\infty$ implies parabolic uniform rectifiability of a parabolic Lipschitz graph
TueOct 1113:00Longjie XieWeak and strong well-posedness of critical and supercritical SDEs with singular coefficients
TueJun 2813:00Jie XiaoEnergy formulae for fractional Schrodinger-Poisson system
TueJun 2113:00Błażej WróbelOn Lp estimates for positivity-preserving Riesz transforms related to Schrödinger operators
TueMay 3113:00Chiara Spina$L^p$ estimates for a class of degenerate operators
TueMay 1013:00Soobin ChoGeneral law of iterated logarithm for Markov processes
TueApr 2613:00Matteo BonforteNonlinear and Nonlocal Diffusions. Smoothing effects, Green functions and functional inequalities
TueApr 1213:00Peixue WuHeat kernel estimates for non-local operators with multi-singular killing potential.
TueApr 0513:00Martin FriesenContinuous affine Volterra processes
TueMar 2214:00Giorgio MetafuneA unified approach to degenerate problems in the half-space
TueMar 1514:00Stéphane MenozziHeat kernel of supercritical SDEs with unbounded drifts
TueMar 0814:00Jessica LinAsymmetric and Symmetric Cooperative Motion
TueFeb 0814:00Jeremy QuastelIntegrable fluctuations in random growth
TueJan 1814:00Rupert FrankSobolev norms involving fractional Hardy operators
TueDec 1414:00Mark VeraarStochastic Navier-Stokes equations with gradient noise in critical spaces
TueNov 3014:00Fritz GesztesyContinuity properties of the spectral shift function for massless Dirac operators and an application to the Witten index
TueNov 1614:00Pascal AuscherOn regularity of weak solutions to linear parabolic systems with measurable coefficients
TueNov 0914:00Michael RöcknerStrong dissipativity of generalized time-fractional derivatives and quasi-linear (stochstic) partial differential equations
TueNov 0214:00Carlo MarinelliOn the Malliavin differentiability of solutions to reaction-diffusion equations with multiplicative noise
TueOct 2614:00Mathav MuruganOn the comparison between jump processes and subordinated diffusions
TueOct 1913:00Peter StollmannOn the decomposition principle and a Persson type theorem for general regular Dirichlet forms
TueOct 1213:00Simon NowakRegularity theory for nonlocal equations with VMO coefficients
TueSep 2813:00Grzegorz KarchConcentration phenomena in a model of chemotaxis
TueJul 2013:00Yana ButkoStochastic solutions of generalized time-fractional evolution equations
TueJul 1313:00Yehuda PinchoverOptimal Hardy inequalities for Schrodinger operators on graphs
TueJul 0613:00Wolfgang ArendtVariational Methods for the Dirichlet-to-Neumann Operator and Fractional Powers
TueJun 2913:00Nikola SandrićPeriodic homogenization of linear degenerate PDEs
TueJun 2213:00Minhyun KimThe concentration-compactness principle for the nonlocal anisotropic $p$-Laplacian of mixed order
TueJun 1513:00Tomasz GrzywnySubordinated Markov processes: estimates for heat kernels and Green functions
TueJun 0813:00Stjepan ŠebekLimit theorems for a stable sausage
TueJun 0113:00Timur YastrzhembskiyGlobal $L_p$-estimates for kinetic Kolmogorov-Fokker-Planck equation
TueMay 2513:00Tomasz KlimsiakSchrödinger equations with smooth measure potential and general measure data
TueMay 1113:00Katarzyna Pietruska-PałubaProperties of the integrated density of states for random Schrödinger operators driven by nonlocal processes
TueMay 0413:00Qi ZhangTime analyticity and reversibility of some parabolic equations
TueApr 2713:00Mario MaurelliRegularization by noise for transport PDEs: two results
TueApr 2013:00Jamil ChakerOn nonlocal operators with anisotropic kernels
FriApr 1614:00Nicolai Krylov(joint with Montreal-Quebec Analsyis Seminar)
TueMar 3013:00Kazuhiro KuwaeLp-Kato class measures for symmetric Markov processes under heat kernel estimates
TueMar 2314:00Gisèle GoldsteinOn Thomas-Fermi Theory and Extensions
TueMar 1614:00Luis SilvestreRegularity estimates for the Boltzmann equation without cutoff
TueFeb 0214:00Vanja WagnerSemilinear equations for non-local operators: beyond the fractional Laplacian
TueJan 2614:00Damir KinzebulatovFractional Kolmogorov operator and desingularizing weights
TueJan 1914:00Carina GeldhauserThe fractional Green function in atmospheric turbulence models
TueJan 1214:00Moritz KassmannHeat kernel estimates for mixed systems of diffusions and jump processes
TueDec 1514:00Guohuan ZhaoRegularity properties of jump diffusions with irregular coefficients
TueDec 0815:00Jerome GoldsteinThe Boderline between Some Good Problems and the Corresponding Bad Problems
TueDec 0114:00Longmin WangBranching Random Walks on Hyperbolic Spaces
TueNov 2414:00Mateusz KwaśnickiHarmonic extensions, operators with completely monotone kernels, and traces of 2-D diffusions
TueNov 1714:00Tadeusz KulczyckiOn weak solution of SDE driven by inhomogeneous singular Lévy noise.
TueNov 1014:00Jian WangHeat kernel upper bounds for symmetric Markov semigroups
TueNov 0314:00Jie-Ming WangBoundary Harnack Principle for Diffusion with Jumps
TueOct 2014:00Igor VerbitskyPointwise estimates of positive solutions to linear and semilinear equations with nonlocal operators
TueOct 1313:00Daesung KimQuantitative isoperimetric inequalities arising from stochastic processes
TueOct 0613:00Hongjie DongEvolutionary equations with nonlocal time derivatives
TueSep 2913:00Angkana RülandUniqueness, stability and single measurement recovery for the fractional Calderón problem
TueSep 2213:00Zoran VondračekOn the potential theory of Markov processes with jump kernels decaying at the boundary
TueSep 1513:00Xicheng ZhangSingular HJB equations with applications to KPZ on the real line
TueAug 1113:00Victoria KnopovaConstruction and heat kernel estimates of general stable-like Markov processes
TueJul 2813:00Krzysztof BogdanNonlinear nonlocal Douglas identity
TueJul 2113:00Panki KimEstimates on transition densities of subordinators with jumping density decaying in mixed polynomial orders
TueJul 1413:00Franziska KühnA maximal inequality for martingale problems and applications
TueJul 0713:00Tomasz JakubowskiCritical Schrödinger perturbations of fractional Laplacian
TueJun 3013:00Alexei KulikMoment bounds for dissipative semimartingales with heavy jumps
TueJun 2313:00Renming SongFactorizations and estimates of Dirichlet heat kernels for non-local operators with critical killings
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