Nonlinear Analysis Seminar Series

mathematical physics analysis of PDEs classical analysis and ODEs functional analysis

Audience: Researchers in the topic
Seminar series times: Tuesday 01:00-02:00, 07:30-08:30 in your time zone, UTC
Organizer: Daniel Spector*
*contact for this listing
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Past talks
Your timeSpeakerTitle
TueMar 1101:00Dr. Bochen LiuTBA
TueMar 1801:00Dr. Nicolau S. AiexTBA
TueMar 2501:00Dr. Myles WorkmanTBA
TueApr 0101:00Dr. Zane LiTBA
TueApr 0801:00Dr. Alan ChangTBA
TueMay 0601:00Dr. Polona DurcikTBA
TueMay 1301:00Dr. Hitoshi TanakaTBA
TueMay 1302:00Dr. Hiroki SaitoTBA
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TueDec 1001:00Prof. Eitan TadmorHierarchical construction of images and the problem of Bourgain-Brezis
TueDec 0307:30Prof. Franz GmeinederExtensions and differential constraints
TueNov 2601:00Prof. Willie WongSome Big Bangs are Unstable
TueNov 1207:30Prof. Thomas SchmidtIsoperimetric conditions and lower semicontinuity for functionals with measures
TueNov 0501:00Prof. Thomas HouA computer assisted proof of finite time singularity of 3D Euler equations with smooth data
TueOct 2901:00Prof. Luis SilvestreThe Landau equation does not blow up
TueOct 2201:00Prof. Simon BortzRegularity of Co-normal Derivatives and Weights
TueOct 1501:00Prof. Blake TempleOn the Essential Regularity of Singular Connections in Geometry
TueOct 0807:30Prof. Diego CordobaFinite time blow-up for the hypodissipative Navier Stokes equations
TueOct 0101:00Dr. Reinaldo ResendeRegularity results for area minimizing currents
TueSep 1001:00Prof. Yoshihiro SawanoA norm close to the $L^1$-norm
TueJun 1807:30Dr. Bogdan RaitaSelf improving size estimates in compensated compactness
TueJun 1101:00Dr. Robin NeumayerThe Saint-Venant inequality and quantitative resolvent estimates for the Dirichlet Laplacian
TueMay 2807:00Dr. Cody StockdaleOn the theory of compact Calderón-Zygmund operators
TueMay 1407:30Dr. Riju BasakWave equation on Hardy spaces
TueMay 0707:00Dr. José Carlos BellidoNonlocal gradients and applications to Continuum Mechanics
TueApr 3007:00Dr. You Wei-ChenA self-improving property of Riesz potentials in BMO
TueApr 2307:30Prof. Ji LiSchatten Properties of Calderon–Zygmund Singular Integral Commutator on stratified Lie groups
TueApr 1607:00Dr. Prasun RoychowdhuryClassification of radial solutions to $-\Delta_g u = e^u$ on Riemannian models
TueApr 0207:00Dr. Oscar Dominguez BonillaAffine fractional Moser-Trudinger and Morrey inequalities
TueMar 2607:30Dr. Fulton GonzalezThe Snapshot Problem for the Wave Equation
TueMar 1907:00Dr. Anastasia MolchanovaLimits of Sobolev Homeomorphisms in Nonlinear Elasticity
TueMar 1201:00Dr. MingQing XiaoLow Rank Approximation of Multi-Dimensional Data Set for Completion
TueDec 1207:00David Cruz-UribeWeighted norm inequalities for multiplier weak-type inequalities
TueDec 0501:00Piotr HajłaszApproximation of mappings with derivatives of low rank
TueNov 2807:00Rami AyoushOn finite configurations in the spectra of singular measures
TueNov 2107:00Angela AlbericoOptimal embeddings for fractional Orlicz-Sobolev spaces
TueNov 1401:00Armin SchikorraOn s-Stability of W^{s,n/s}-minimizing maps between spheres in homotopy classes
TueNov 0701:00Bogdan RaitaLimiting linear $L^1$ estimates near the boundary
TueOct 2401:00Felipe HernandezUncertainty principles for Wigner functions
TueOct 1701:00Juan ManfrediOn Viscosity Solutions to the Non-Homogeneous Infinite Laplace Equation
TueOct 0307:00Andrea CianchiLocal boundedness of minimizers under unbalanced Orlicz growth conditions
TueSep 2601:00Cody StockdaleA different approach to endpoint weak-type estimates for Calderón-Zygmund operators
TueSep 1907:00Zdeněk MihulaOptimal Sobolev inequalities in the hyperbolic space
TueSep 1207:00Tien NguyenSingularities in the Keller-Segel system
WedJun 0706:00Qing HanA Concise Boundary Regularity for the Uniformly Degenerate Elliptic Equations
TueMay 1607:00Anna Kh. BalciBehind the regularity: variational problems with energy gaps
TueApr 2507:00Abhishek GhoshOn bilinear Stein-Weiss inequality
TueApr 1807:00María J. CarroSolving the Dirichlet and the Neumann problem at the end-point
TueApr 1107:00Serena DipierroThe Bernstein technique for integro-differential equations
TueMar 2807:00Dominic BreitInclusion relations among fractional Orlicz-Sobolev spaces and a Littlewood-Paley characterization
TueMar 2107:00Catalin CarsteaAn inverse problem for the porous medium equation
TueMar 1407:00Keng Hao OoiHarmonic Analysis in Nonlinear Potential Theory
TueMar 0707:00Daniel CampbellInjectivity in second-gradient Nonlinear Elasticity
TueDec 1301:00Neal BezAn introduction to Strichartz estimates III
TueDec 0601:00Neal BezAn introduction to Strichartz estimates II
TueNov 2901:00Neal BezAn introduction to Strichartz estimates I
TueNov 2207:00Luz RoncalUnique continuation for fractional discrete elliptic equations
TueNov 0807:00Lubos PickOptimality problems in Orlicz spaces
TueNov 0107:00Carolin KreisbeckDealing with nonlocalities in variational functionals: Convexity notions, lower semicontinuity, and relaxation
TueOct 2501:00Tess AndersonAnalysis and number theory team up
TueOct 1807:00Jin-Cheng JiangOn the Cauchy problem for the cutoff Boltzmann equation with small initial data
TueOct 0401:00Francesco MaggiTBA
TueSep 2707:00Lenka SlavikovaClassical multiplier theorems and their sharp variants
TueSep 2001:00Alexander VolbergDyadic rectangles
TueSep 1301:00Jie XiaoMean Hoelder-Lipschitz Potentials in Curved Campanato-Radon Spaces
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