Seminar In the Analysis and Methods of PDE (SIAM PDE)

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analysis of PDEs

Audience: Researchers in the topic
Seminar series times: No fixed schedule
Organizers: Jose Carrillo, Irene Fonseca, Jonathan Mattingly, Anna Mazzucato (Chair), Felix Otto, Catherine Sulem, Alexis Vasseur, Clarence Eugene Wayne
Curator: Anna Ghazaryan*
*contact for this listing

The Editorial Board of SIMA and the officers of the SIAM Activity Group on Analysis of Partial Differential Equations (SIAG/APDE) are launching the Seminar In the Analysis and Methods of PDE (SIAM PDE) to be held on the first Thursday of the month at 11:30am ET, except in August and January. The COVID-19 pandemic and consequent social distancing call for online venues of research dissemination. This webinar will serve as a way to recognize achievements in our area, and it will be expected to help promoting the standing of both SIMA and APDE. Further, these webinars should be beneficial to mathematicians who are in relatively isolated places.

This webinar is intended to continue well beyond this social distancing period. There are two type of SIAM PDE webinars: (i) Colloquium-type webinars by outstanding speakers presenting a survey of results on a topic where critical progress was recently achieved (and not necessarily published in SIMA); (ii) Webinars by outstanding authors based on some of the best articles accepted by SIMA. To launch the webinar series the initial six seminars will be of the Colloquium-type.

The talks are open to the public and, due to security reasons, all attendees have to register by following the link

The link will contain detailed information about the talks. The registration is quick (asks only for your name and email) and, once registered, you will receive an email with the link to the webinars, which is unique to you, so please do not share that email. The registration is valid for all this webinar series, and you will receive a reminder about future talks.

Further, you will receive a follow-up email up to 7 days after each webinar, with a link to the on-demand SIAM PDE YouTube playlist recording.

Updated information and schedule will be available at

The SIAM PDE Webinar was initiated on June 2020:

By the SIMA Editors:

Robert Lipton, SIMA Editor-in-Chief (Louisiana State University, USA)

Athanasios Tzavaras (KAUST, Saudi Arabia)

By the SIAG/APDE Officers:

Upcoming talks
Past talks
Your timeSpeakerTitle
ThuSep 0515:30Kavita RamananLong-time behavior of nonlinearly coupled measure-valued equations that model many-server systems
ThuJul 0415:30.....Canceled due to Independence Day holiday
ThuJun 0615:30Kavita RamananLong-time behavior of nonlinearly coupled measure-valued equations that model many-server systems
ThuMay 0215:30Nader MasmoudiRecent Progress in the Study of the Prandtl System and the Zero Viscosity Limit
ThuApr 0415:30Guillaume BalAsymmetric interface transport and topological insulators
ThuMar 0716:30Luigi AmbrosioOn some variational problems involving functions with bounded Hessian
ThuFeb 0116:30Camillo De LellisArea-minimizing integral currents: singularities and structure
ThuDec 0716:30Svitlana MayborodaWave Localization and the Landscape Law
ThuNov 0215:30Eduard FeireislDissipative systems in fluid dynamics
ThuOct 0515:30Irena GambaWeak turbulence modeled by quasilinear diffusion for electrostatic and magnetized plasma systems
ThuSep 0715:30Christopher K.R.T. JonesStability Indices for Nonlinear Waves and Patterns
ThuJul 0615:30Andrea BertozziUndercompressive shocks in tears of wine
ThuJun 0115:30Isabelle GallagherFrom Newton to Boltzmann, fluctuations and large deviations
ThuMay 0415:30Gunther UhlmannThe Calderon Problem: 40 Years Later
ThuApr 0621:30Gautam IyerUsing mixing to accelerate convergence of Langevin systems, and applications to Monte Carlo methods
ThuMar 0216:30László SzékelyhidiMagnetohydrodynamic turbulence: weak solutions and conserved quantities
ThuFeb 0216:30Michael WeinsteinEffective gaps for time-periodic Hamiltonians modeling Floquet materials
ThuDec 0116:30Alberto BressanOn the optimal shape of tree roots and branches
ThuNov 0316:30Patrick GérardA survey of the Benjamin-Ono equation with periodic boundary conditions
ThuOct 0615:30Jacob BedrossianLandau damping and related effects in kinetic models of plasma physics
ThuSep 0115:30Scott ArmstrongCoarse-graining, renormalization, and quantitative homogenization
ThuJul 0715:30Igor RodnianskiLinear and nonlinear stability problems for the Vlasov-Poisson equations
ThuJun 0215:30Alexander KiselevThe flow of polynomial roots under differentiation
ThuMay 0515:30Andrea NahmodGibbs measures and propagation of randomness under the flow of nonlinear dispersive PDE
ThuApr 0715:30Martin HairerDirected mean curvature flow in noisy environment
ThuMar 0316:30Barbara NiethammerAn obstacle problem for cell polarization
WedMar 0216:30László SzékelyhidiTBA
WedMar 0216:30László SzékelyhidiTBA
ThuFeb 0316:30François GolseQuantum Dynamics and Optimal Transport
WedFeb 0216:30Michael WeinsteinTBA
WedFeb 0216:30Michael WeinsteinTBA
ThuDec 0216:30Yao YaoSymmetry and uniqueness via a variational approach
ThuNov 0415:30Theodore DrivasCompressible fluids, entropy hierarchies, and flocking
ThuOct 0715:30Monica VisanDeterminants, commuting flows, and recent progress on completely integrable systems
ThuSep 0215:30Roman ShvydkoyAnalytical aspects of emergent dynamics in systems of collective behavior
ThuJul 0115:30Luis SilvestreGaussian lower bounds for the Boltzmann equation without cut-off
ThuJun 0315:30Yann BrenierOn optimal transport of matrix-valued measures
ThuMay 0615:30Gigliola StaffilaniHow much math do you need to know to “solve" an initial value problem?
ThuApr 0115:30Sylvia SerfatyGinzburg-Landau, old and new
ThuMar 0416:30Sergei ChernyshenkoAuxiliary functionals: a path to solving the problem of turbulence
ThuFeb 0416:30Andrzej SwiechFinite dimensional approximations of Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellman equations in spaces of probability measures. (Featured Article in SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis)
ThuDec 0316:30Alessio FigalliGeneric regularity in obstacle problems
ThuNov 0516:30Vlad VicolShock formation and vorticity creation for compressible Euler
ThuOct 0815:30Laure Saint-RaymondFluctuation theory in the Boltzmann-Grad limit
ThuSep 0315:30Felix OttoThe thresholding scheme for mean curvature flow and De Giorgi's ideas for gradient flows
ThuJul 0215:30Benoit PerthameMultiphase models of living tissues and the Hele-Shaw limit
ThuJun 0415:30Sir John BallSome energy minimization problems for liquid crystals
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