Selected Topics in Mathematics - Online Edition

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Audience: Researchers in the discipline
Seminar series time: Thursday 15:00-16:00 in your time zone, UTC
Organizer: Matty van Son*
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Past talks
Your timeSpeakerTitle
ThuFeb 2715:00Anthony NixonStable cuts, NAC-colourings and flexible realisations of graphs
ThuMar 1315:00Maxim ArnoldTBA
ThuMar 2015:00Mikhail GabdullinTBA
ThuApr 1014:00Amanda BurcroffTBA
ThuApr 1714:00Shin-ichi TanigawaTBA
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Your timeSpeakerTitle
ThuFeb 1315:00Jeffrey VaalerSums of small fractional parts and a problem of Littlewood
FriDec 0615:00Bernd SchulzeA differential approach to Maxwell-Cremona liftings
FriNov 2915:00Miloslav TordaGeometric Perspectives on the Crystallization of Molecular Crystals: Crystallographic Symmetry Group Packings, Uniform Tessellations, and Molecular Frameworks
FriNov 2215:00Khrystyna SerhiyenkoSL\(_k\) tilings and paths in \(\mathbb{Z}^k\)
FriNov 1515:00Esther BanaianSkein relations and bases for cluster algebras from punctured surfaces
FriNov 0115:00Robert MirandaFully Flexible Periodic Polyhedral Surfaces
FriOct 2514:00Sam EvansArithmetic and geometry of Markov polynomials
FriOct 1814:00Boris SpringbornThe hyperbolic geometry of numbers
FriOct 0414:00Jarosław KędraBi-invariant metric on groups
WedMar 2015:00Ilya BogaevskiiDiscontinuous gradient ODEs, trajectories in the minimal action problem, and massive points in one cosmological model
WedMar 1315:00Will TravesIncidence results defining plane curves
WedMar 0615:00Martin HenkPolynomial bounds in Koldobsky's discrete slicing problem
WedFeb 2819:00Eleonore FaberFriezes and resolutions of plane curve singularities
WedFeb 2112:00Dmitry BadziahinSimultaneous Diophantine approximation on the Veronese curve
WedFeb 1415:00Nicholas OvenhouseHigher Continued Fractions from Dimer Models and Plane Partitions
WedDec 1316:00Vladlen TimorinAperiodic points for outer billiards
WedDec 0616:00Derek KitsonRigid graphs in dimension 3
WedNov 2916:00Fran BurstallIsothermic surfaces and Noether's theorem
WedNov 2216:00Jeffrey ShallitProving results in combinatorics on words and number theory using a decidable logic theory
WedNov 1516:00Iván RasskinOn the arithmetic and geometric properties of regular polytopal sphere packings and their connection to knot theory
WedNov 0816:00Victor KleptsynFrom the percolation theory to Fuchsian equations and Riemann-Hilbert problem
WedNov 0116:00Herman ServatiusRigidity and movability of configurations in the projective plane
WedOct 2515:00Alexander EsterovTBA
WedOct 1815:00Ekaterina ShemyakovaOn super cluster algebras based on super Plücker and super Ptolemy relations
WedOct 1115:00Sophie Morier-Genoudq-Analogs of rational numbers and the Burau representation of the braid group B3.
WedOct 0415:00Pär KurlbergRepulsion in number theory and physics
WedMay 1015:00Michael GekhtmanUnified approach to exotic cluster structures in simple Lie groups
WedApr 2615:00Nathan UricchioTBA
WedApr 1915:00Jörg ThuswaldnerMultidimensional continued fractions and symbolic codings of toral translations
WedApr 1215:00Valérie BerthéBalanced words and symbolic dynamical systems
WedApr 0515:00Egon SchulteSkeletal Polyhedral Geometry and Symmetry
WedMar 2915:00Pavel TumarkinFarey graph and ideal tetrahedra
WedMar 2216:00Thomas GarrityOn Partition Numbers and Multi-dimensional Continued Fractions
WedMar 1516:00Bob ConnellyGlobal Rigidity of Braced Convex Polygons
WedMar 0816:00Nikolay MoshchevitinGeometry of Diophantine Approximation
WedMar 0116:00Iskander AlievSparse integer points in rational polyhedra: bounds for the integer Caratheodory rank
WedFeb 0816:00Andy HoneContinued fractions from hyperelliptic curves
WedDec 1416:00John BlackmanCutting Sequences and the p-adic Littlewood Conjecture
WedDec 0716:00Matteo RaffaelliCurvature-adapted submanifolds of semi-Riemannian groups
WedNov 2316:00Karin BaurFrieze patterns and cluster theory
WedNov 1616:00Valentin OvsienkoShadows of numbers: supergeometry with a human face
WedNov 0216:00Anton LukyanenkoHeisenberg continued fractions: overview and recent results
WedOct 2615:00Igor PotapovReachability Problems in Matrix Semigroups
WedOct 1915:00James CruickshankGlobal Rigidity of Triangulated Manifolds
FriJun 1714:00Simon KristensenTBA
FriMay 0614:00Sinai RobinsTBA
FriApr 2914:00Bernd SchulzeGroup-theoretic methods for the rigidity analysis of discrete structures
FriApr 0814:00Sabir Gusein-ZadeNon-commutative analogue of the Berglund–Hübsch–Henningson duality and symmetries of the orbifold Euler characteristic (II)
FriApr 0114:00Sabir Gusein-ZadeNon-commutative analogue of the Berglund–Hübsch–Henningson duality and symmetries of the orbifold Euler characteristic (I)
FriMar 2515:00Padraig Ó CatháinSequencing of Steiner Triple Systems
FriMar 1115:00Krishnendu GongopadhyayReversibility of isometries
FriMar 0415:00Fatemeh MohammadiMatroid stratifications of hypergraph varieties and their realization spaces
FriFeb 1115:00Alan HaynesGap theorems for linear forms and for rotations on higher dimensional tori
FriFeb 0415:00Ivan IzmestievRegge symmetry
FriDec 1715:00Alexey SossinskyThickened Knots: Energy Functionals and Normal Forms
FriDec 1015:00John HuntonWhat is the space group of an aperiodic pattern?
FriDec 0315:00Anna FeliksonFriezes for a pair of pants
FriNov 2615:00Giovanni PantiAttractors of dual continued fractions
FriNov 1915:00Irene PasquinelliMapping class group orbit closures for non-orientable surfaces
FriNov 0515:00Daniel SlilatyRepresenting Matroids using Partial Fields
FriOct 2914:00Lenny FukshanskyRepresenting integers by multilinear polynomials
FriOct 2214:00Alexey SossinskyEnergy Functionals and the Normal Forms of Knots and Plane Curves
FriOct 1516:00Polina VytnovaHausdorff dimension of Gauss−Cantor sets and their applications to the study of classical Markov spectrum
FriOct 0816:00Arkadiy SkopenkovInvariants of graph drawings in the plane
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