SEU Yau Center Theoretical Physics Seminars 2024

HEP - theory mathematical physics

Audience: Researchers in the topic
Seminar series time: Friday 08:00-09:00 in your time zone, UTC
Organizers: Ryo Suzuki*, Wen Qiang
*contact for this listing

The seminars are broadcasted mostly by Zoom, sometimes by Tencent meeting.

The Zoom info is Meeting ID: 385 442 0225 Passcode: yauc

In case of the last-minute change in the schedule, please contact an organizer or visit

Upcoming talks
Past talks
Your timeSpeakerTitle
FriDec 2708:00Ruidong ZhuQuasinormal Modes from Quiver Gauge Theories
FriDec 2008:00Yang LeiModularity in d>2 conformal field theories
FriDec 1308:00Andrea DeiTensionless AdS3/CFT2 and Single Trace TTbar
FriNov 2908:00Yangang Miao正规黑洞的热力学和动力学之间的关联 (in Chinese)
FriNov 2208:00Davide PolvaraThe worldsheet S-matrix for mixed-flux AdS3× S3× T4 superstrings
FriNov 1508:00Nikolay BobevA compendium of logarithmic corrections in AdS/CFT
FriNov 0808:00Christoph DlapaFeynman integrals through canonical differential equations
FriOct 2508:00Pietro Longhiq-difference WKB Analysis and q-Painleve Equations
FriOct 1808:00Ziwen KongIntegral Identities from Symmetry Breaking of Conformal Defects
FriOct 1103:00Connor BehanConformal defects: A bridge between local and nonlocal physics
FriSep 2708:00Jie RenNumerical relativity for stationary solutions of Einstein's equations in AdS/CFT
FriSep 2008:00Jules LamersAn invitation to long-range quantum integrability
TueJun 1808:00Jun NianThe Quantum Perspectives of Kerr Black Hole Formation and Evaporation
TueMay 2808:00Junya YagiTetrahedron duality
TueMay 2108:00Hjalte FrellesvigFeynman Integrals, Intersection Theory, and other Ideas
TueMay 1405:00Scott Collier3d quantum gravity and Virasoro TQFT
TueApr 3008:00Fabio ApruzziAspects of (non-)invertible symmetries from branes: symmetry theories and generalized charges
TueApr 2308:00Congkao WenExact results and modularity of giant graviton four-point correlator
TueApr 1608:00Carlos NunezAspects of gauge-strings duality
ThuApr 1108:00Rongxin MiaoCasimir effect and holographic dual of wedges
TueApr 0908:00Shota Komatsu2d QCD and Integrability
TueApr 0208:00Miao RongxinTBA
TueMar 2612:00Zechuan ZhengRevisiting Lattice and Matrix Bootstrap
ThuMar 2106:00Bartek CzechEverything Everywhere All at Once: Holographic Entropy Inequalities, the Topology of Error Correction, Black Holes, Cubohemioctahedron, and (maybe) the Toric Code
TueMar 1912:00Sameer MurthyGravitational index of the heterotic string
TueMar 1208:00Alexey KoshelevInfinite derivative gravity, String Field Theory and stubs
TueMar 0508:00Tomas ProchazkaBethe ansatz in 2d conformal field theory
TueFeb 2708:00Matthias GaberdielIntegrability in the symmetric orbifold
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