Topological Quantum Field Theory Club (IST, Lisbon)

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mathematical physics algebraic topology category theory quantum algebra

Instituto Superior Técnico

Audience: Researchers in the topic
Seminar series time: Wednesday 17:00-18:00 in your time zone, UTC
Organizers: Roger Picken*, Marko Stošić, Jose Mourao*, John Huerta*
*contact for this listing

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*the last announcement for a seminar is sent 2 hours before the seminar.
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Past talks
Your timeSpeakerTitle
WedFeb 0510:00Matthias LudewigThe stringor bundle and the spinor bundle on loop space
WedDec 1810:00Theodoros LagiotisNoncompact 3d TQFTs from non-semisimple modular categories
WedDec 1111:00Maciej BorodzikEquivariant Khovanov homotopy type
WedNov 2010:00Aaron HoferCFT/TFT correspondence beyond semisimplicity
WedOct 3010:00Ödül TetikYoga with twisted stratifications
WedOct 1609:00William StewartDomain walls and oplax natural transformations
WedOct 0909:00Peter Kristel2-vector bundles
WedSep 1816:00Thang LeAlgebraic structures of skein algebras
WedSep 1115:00Chris ElliottTopological twists of superconformal field theory
WedSep 0416:00Raphaël Rouquier2-Representation theory of gl(1|1)
WedAug 2816:00Colleen DelaneyAn efficient* classical algorithm for some quantum invariants of 3-manifolds
WedAug 2116:00Tashi WaldeAssembly of constructible factorization algebras
WedAug 1416:00Clark BarwickFactorization algebras in quite a lot of generality
WedAug 0716:00David AyalaFactorization homology of higher categories
WedJul 3116:00Jackson Van DykeGeometric quantization, fusion categories, and Rozansky–Witten theory
WedJul 2416:00Anton KapustinTopological invariants of gapped states and cosheaves on sites
WedJul 1716:00Monica VaziraniSkeins on tori
WedJul 1014:00Minghao WangFeynman graph integrals from topological-holomorphic theories and their applications
WedJul 0316:00Gregor SchaumannState spaces in TFT: Quivers and infinite particle algebras
WedJun 2616:00Agnès BeaudryHomotopy theory of parametrized quantum systems
WedJun 1916:00Catherine MeusburgerQuantum double models and Dijkgraaf-Witten TQFT with defects
WedJun 1216:00Yang YangRCFT correlators as equivalences of modular functors
WedJun 0516:00Nils CarquevilleOrbifold completion of 3-categories
WedMay 2916:00Thomas WassermanThe Landau-Ginzburg / conformal field theory correspondence
WedMay 2216:00Christoph SchweigertTraces and higher structures
WedMay 0816:00Pranav PranditDeformations of objects in higher categories
ThuMay 0216:00Inbar KlangAn algebraic topology perspective on factorization homology
WedApr 2416:00Sebastian SchulzSpectral networks and G2
WedApr 1716:00Adrien BrochierA classification of modular functors from generalized skein theory
FriApr 1213:00Jan-Willem van IttersumShifted symmetric functions, quasimodular forms and Hamiltonian operators
WedApr 1016:00Cristina AnghelA universal coloured Alexander invariant from configurations on ovals in the disc
WedMar 2017:00Marko StošićCombinatorics in knot-quiver correspondences
WedMar 0617:00Luuk StehouwerThe Categorical Spin-Statistics Theorem: A TQFT Perspective
WedFeb 2117:00Sam GunninghamSkein theory and the geometric Langlands program
WedFeb 0717:00Lukas MüllerTopological defects form higher dagger categories
WedJan 3117:00Nadia OttThe super period map and the projectedness of supermoduli space
WedJan 2417:00Lukas WoikeAn introduction to quantum representations of mapping class groups
WedJan 1017:00Marco De RenziAlgebraic presentation of cobordisms and TQFTs
ThuDec 1417:00Pedram HekmatiEquivariant Floer homology and its applications
WedDec 0617:00Francesco CostantinoStated skein modules of 3-manifolds and TQFTs
WedSep 2017:00Pavel MnevWhy BF theory is not an Atiyah’s TQFT, and how the BV-BFV approach helps
ThuSep 1416:00Kevin WalkerLow-dimensional H-bordism and H-modular TQFTs
WedJul 2616:00Anna PacholQuantum groups in the digital setting
WedJul 1916:00Fabian HahnerPure spinor techniques in (twisted) supergravity
WedJul 1216:00Pavel EtingofLie theory in tensor categories (with applications to modular representation theory)
WedJul 0516:00Surya RaghavendranTwisted eleven-dimensional supergravity and infinite-dimensional exceptional simple super Lie algebras
WedJun 2816:00Patrick KinnearVarying the non-semisimple Crane–Yetter theory over the character stack
WedJun 2116:00Jennifer BrownDefect Skein Theories
WedMay 2416:00Markus UpmeierInvertible TQFTs and Atiyah–Singer index theory
WedMay 1716:00Benjamin HaïounNon-semisimple WRT as non-compact fully extended relative TQFTs
WedMay 1016:00David Ben-ZviA TQFT POV on L-functions
WedMay 0317:00Dmitri NikshychWitt groups of braided fusion categories and minimal non-degenerate extensions
WedApr 2616:00Julie BergnerModels for $(\infty,n)$-categories with discreteness conditions
WedApr 1916:00Thomas CreutzigRibbon categories associated to gl(1|1)
WedApr 1216:00Ivan ContrerasFrobenius objects in the category of spans and the symplectic category
WedApr 0516:00Kevin WalkerTwo approaches to a universal state sum
WedMar 2217:00Niklas GarnerVOAs and Twisted Chern-Simons-Matter TQFTs
WedMar 0117:00Matt Young$U_q(\mathfrak{gl}(1 \vert 1))$ and $U(1 \vert 1)$ Chern–Simons theory
WedFeb 2217:00Nathan GeerNon-semisimple TQFTs
WedFeb 1516:30Dan FreedWhat is an anomaly?
WedFeb 0817:00James MacphersonLocally wide quasi-fiat 2-categories and their coalgebra 2-representations
WedJan 2517:00Marco Mackaay2-Representations of affine type A Soergel bimodules: some observations and examples
WedDec 0717:00Konstantin EderSuper Cartan geometry and (loop) quantum supergravity
WedNov 3017:00Konrad WaldorfA representation of the string 2-group
WedNov 1617:00Fiona TorzewskaTopological quantum field theories and homotopy cobordisms
WedOct 2616:00Marko VojinovicInsights into the Standard Model and quantum gravity from higher gauge theory
WedSep 2116:00Pavel SafronovSkein modules and 4d TQFTs
WedSep 1416:00Marina LogaresHitchin systems
WedJun 2916:00Radmila SazdanovicBilinear pairings on two-dimensional cobordisms and generalizations of the Deligne category
WedJun 1516:00Marc LackenbyKnot theory and machine learning
WedJun 0816:00Álvaro del Pino Gómezh-Principles and applications to distributions
WedJun 0116:00Nima MoshayediCutting-Gluing of TQFTs in the Symplectic Cohomological Formalism
WedMay 2516:00Simone NojaThe de Rham / Spencer double complex and the geometry of forms on supermanifolds
TueMay 1716:30Eugene RabinovichClassical Bulk-Boundary Correspondences via Factorization Algebras
MonMay 0914:00Nezhla AghaeiCombinatorial quantisation of Supergroup Chern–Simons Theory
WedMay 0416:00Jamie VicaryIntroducing A proof assistant for geometrical higher category theory
WedApr 2716:00Pavel MnevOn the Fukaya-Morse A-infinity category
WedApr 2016:00Nezhla AghaeiCombinatorial quantisation of Supergroup Chern–Simons Theory
WedApr 1316:00Ángel González PrietoTopological Quantum Field Theories for Character Stacks
WedApr 0616:00Yonatan HarpazThe cobordism hypothesis in dimension 1
WedMar 3016:00Dmitri PavlovThe geometric cobordism hypothesis
WedMar 1617:00Christoph DornManifold diagrams: Poincaré duality, singularities, and smooth structures
WedMar 0917:00Manuel AraújoString diagrams for higher categories
WedFeb 1617:00Daniel GradyDeformation classes of invertible field theories and the Freed-Hopkins conjecture
WedFeb 0217:00Emily CliffModuli spaces of principal 2-group bundles and a categorification of the Freed–Quinn line bundle
WedJan 2617:00Jeffrey C. MortonThe Fock Pseudomonad: Groupoidifying Second Quantization
WedJan 1917:00Giorgio TrentinagliaSimplicial vector bundles and representations up to homotopy
WedDec 1517:00Vladimir M. StojanovicLie-algebraic aspects of quantum control: gate realization and W-to-GHZ state conversion
WedNov 1717:00Brian R. WilliamsExceptional super Lie algebras in twisted M-theory
WedOct 1316:00Tijana RadenkovićTopological higher gauge theory - from 2BF to 3BF theory
FriSep 2416:00João Faria MartinsQuinn Finite Total Homotopy TQFT as a once-extended TQFT
FriJun 2516:00Fabian HaidenCategorical Kähler Geometry
FriJun 1816:00Theo Johnson-FreydHigher S-matrices
FriJun 0416:00Ingmar SaberiTwists of supergravity theories via algebraic geometry
FriMay 2816:00Dmitry MelnikovEntanglement and complexity from TQFT
FriMay 2116:00Bruce BartlettAsymptotics of the classical and quantum $6j$ symbols
FriMay 1408:00Si LiGeometry of Localized Effective Theories and Algebraic Index
FriMay 0716:00Christian SaemannAdjusted Higher Gauge Theory: Connections and Parallel Transport
FriApr 1616:00Giordano CottiQuantum differential equations, qKZ difference equations, and helices
FriApr 0916:00Roger PickenLink invariants from finite crossed modules and a lifting of the Eisermann invariant
FriMar 1918:00Pedro ResendeAn abstract theory of physical measurements
FriMar 1917:00Fabio di CosmoStatistical Interpretation in the Schwinger’s picture of Quantum Mechanics
FriMar 1217:00Ikshu NeithalathSkein Lasagna modules of 2-handlebodies
FriMar 0514:00Owen GwilliamBulk-boundary correspondences with factorization algebras
FriFeb 2617:00Ben EliasIntroduction to the Hecke category and the diagonalization of the full twist
FriFeb 1917:00David ReutterSemisimple topological field theories in even dimensions
FriFeb 1217:00Florio CiagliaA groupoid-based perspective on quantum mechanics
FriJan 2917:00Severin BunkUniversal Symmetries of Gerbes and Smooth Higher Group Extensions
FriJan 2217:00Renee HoekzemaManifolds with odd Euler characteristic and higher orientability
FriJan 1517:00Brent PymMultiple zeta values in deformation quantization
FriJan 0817:00Pedro VazCategorification of Verma Modules in low-dimensional topology
FriDec 1817:00Penka GeorgievaKlein TQFT and real Gromov-Witten invariants
FriDec 1117:00Anna BeliakovaCyclotomic expansions of the $gl_N$ knot invariants
FriDec 0417:00Victor OstrikTwo dimensional topological field theories and partial fractions
FriNov 2017:00Tudor Dimofte$3d$ A and B models and link homology
FriNov 1317:00Vladimir DragovićEllipsoidal billiards, extremal polynomials, and partitions
FriNov 0617:00Marco MackaayThe double-centralizer theorem in 2-representation theory and its applications
FriOct 3017:00João Faria MartinsCrossed modules, homotopy 2-types, knotted surfaces and welded knots
FriOct 1616:00Miranda ChengQuantum modular forms and $3$-manifolds
FriOct 0916:00Alexander ShapiroCluster realization of quantum groups and higher Teichmüller theory
FriOct 0216:00Davide MasoeroCounting Monster Potentials
FriSep 2516:00André HenriquesReps of relative mapping class groups via conformal nets
FriSep 1116:00Alexis VirelizierHomotopy Quantum Field Theories
FriJul 2416:00Ezra GetzlerGluing local gauge conditions in BV quantum field theory
FriJul 1716:00Pedro Boavida de BritoGalois symmetries of knot spaces
FriJul 1016:00Ricardo CamposThe homotopy type of associative and commutative algebras
FriJul 0316:00Tom SutherlandMirror symmetry for Painlevé surfaces
FriJun 2616:00Marko StošićRational and algebraic links and knots-quivers correspondence
FriJun 1916:00Mikhail KhovanovIntroduction to foam evaluation
FriJun 1216:00Antti KupiainenIntegrability of Liouville Conformal Field Theory
FriJun 0516:00John HuertaBundle Gerbes on Supermanifolds
FriMay 2916:00Danica KosanovićKnot invariants from homotopy theory
FriMay 2216:00Sergei GukovHidden algebraic structures in topology
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