UCLA distinguished lecture series

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University of California, Los Angeles

Audience: Researchers in the topic
Seminar series times: No fixed schedule
Organizer: Terence Tao*
*contact for this listing

Description: Lectures by distinguished mathematicians, hosted at UCLA

Every year, the Distinguished Lecture Series (DLS) brings two to four eminent mathematicians to UCLA for a week or more to give a lecture series on their field, and to meet with faculty and graduate students.

The first lecture of each series is aimed at a general mathematical audience, and offers a rare opportunity to see the state of an area of mathematics from the perspective of one of its leaders. The remaining lectures in the series are usually more advanced, concerning recent developments in the area.

Upcoming talks
Past talks
Your timeSpeakerTitle
ThuJan 2323:00Robert LazarsfeldFurther developments and open problems - POSTPONED
WedJan 2223:00Robert LazarsfeldMeasures of association between algebraic varieties - POSTPONED
TueJan 2123:00Robert LazarsfeldHow irrational is an irrational variety? - POSTPONED
ThuOct 1022:00Rick SchwartzFive Points on a Sphere
WedOct 0922:00Rick SchwartzOuter billiards on kites
TueOct 0822:00Rick SchwartzThe optimal paper Moebius band
ThuMay 0922:00Gitta KutyniokOvercoming the Boundaries of Artificial Intelligence: A Mathematical Approach
WedMay 0822:00Gitta KutyniokArtificial Intelligence for Mathematics
TueMay 0722:00Gitta KutyniokThe Mathematics of Artificial Intelligence
ThuJan 1800:15Pavel EtingofSymmetric tensor categories of moderate growth and modular representation theory
WedJan 1723:00Pavel EtingofRepresentation theory in non-integral rank
TueJan 1623:00Pavel EtingofAlgebra and representation theory without vector spaces
ThuNov 3023:00Eugenia MalinnikovaDecay of solutions to real Schrodinger equations on the plane
WedNov 2923:00Eugenia MalinnikovaRemez-type inequality for solutions of elliptic equations
TueNov 2823:00Eugenia MalinnikovaUnique continuation for discrete harmonic functions
ThuMay 1122:00Craig EvansRecent developments: successes and failures
WedMay 1022:00Craig EvansPassing to limits, lots of examples
TueMay 0922:00Craig EvansThe UCLA origins of viscosity solutions
ThuMay 1922:00Emily RiehlArrow induction and the dependent Yoneda lemma
WedMay 1822:00Emily RiehlPath induction and the indiscernibility of identicals
TueMay 1722:00Emily RiehlContractibility as uniqueness
WedApr 2722:00Bryna KraDynamical structure theorems and infinitary combinatorics
TueApr 2622:00Bryna KraTranslating combinatorial questions into dynamical ones
MonApr 2522:00Bryna KraFrom combinatorics to dynamics and back again
ThuApr 1422:00Anima AnandkumarNeural operator: Learning in infinite dimensions with applications to PDEs
WedApr 1322:00Anima AnandkumarHeralding Scientific Breakthroughs through AI at Supercomputing Scale
ThuMay 1422:00Mina AganagicKnot categorification from mirror symmetry, III
WedMay 1322:00Mina AganagicKnot categorification from mirror symmetry, II
TueMay 1222:00Mina AganagicKnot categorification from mirror symmetry, I
ThuApr 3016:00Martin HairerIntroduction to regularity structures 2
WedApr 2916:00Martin HairerIntroduction to regularity structures 1
TueApr 2816:00Martin HairerGeometric stochastic PDEs
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