UCSD number theory seminar

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number theory

University of California, San Diego

Audience: Researchers in the topic
Seminar series time: Thursday 00:00-01:00 in your time zone, UTC
Organizers: Kiran Kedlaya*, Alina Bucur, Aaron Pollack, Cristian Popescu, Claus Sorensen
*contact for this listing

Most talks are preceded by a pre-talk for graduate students and postdocs. The pre-talks start 40 minutes prior to the posted time (usually at 3:20pm Pacific) and last about 30 minutes.

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Past talks
Your timeSpeakerTitle
ThuMar 0600:00Keegan RyanTBA
ThuMar 1321:00Marie-France VignerasAsymptotics of $p$-adic groups, mostly $SL_2$ [Colloquium]
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ThuFeb 2000:00Zeyu LiuA stacky approach to prismatic crystals
ThuFeb 1300:00Santiago Arango-PiñerosCounting 5-isogenies of elliptic curves over the rationals
ThuFeb 0622:00Koji Shimizu and Gyujin OhModuli stack of isocrystals and counting local systems
ThuFeb 0600:00A. RaghuramCongruences and the special values of L-functions
ThuJan 3000:00Masato WakayamaQuantum interactions and number theory
ThuJan 2300:00John VoightHilbert modular forms obtained from orthogonal modular forms on quaternary lattices
ThuJan 1600:00Arijit ChakrabortyA Power-Saving Error Term in Counting C2 ≀ H Number Fields
ThuDec 0500:00Yu FuThe p-adic analog of the Hecke orbit conjecture and density theorems toward the p-adic monodromy
ThuNov 2100:00Linli ShiOn higher regulators of Picard modular surfaces
ThuNov 1400:00Chris XuSpecial cycles on $G_2$
ThuNov 0700:00Brandon AlbertsInductive methods for counting number fields
WedOct 3023:00Chengyang BaoComputing crystalline deformation rings via the Taylor-Wiles-Kisin patching method
WedOct 2323:00Jennifer Johnson-LeungRationality of certain power series attached to paramodular Siegel modular forms
WedOct 1623:00Jon AycockJacobians of Graphs via Edges and Iwasawa Theory
WedOct 0223:00Organizational meetingOrganizational meeting
ThuJun 0621:00Chris XuRational points on modular curves via the moduli interpretation
ThuMay 3021:00Ellen EischenAlgebraic and p-adic aspects of L-functions, with a view toward Spin L-functions for GSp_6
ThuMay 2321:00Christian KlevdalLocal systems on Shimura varieties
ThuMay 1621:00Bryan HuCritical values of the adjoint L-function of U(2,1) in the quaternionic case
ThuMay 0921:00Nandagopal RamachandranEuler factors in Drinfeld modules
ThuMay 0221:00Wei YinHigher Coates-Sinnott Conjectures for CM-Fields
ThuApr 2521:00Jon AycockCongruences Between Automorphic Forms
ThuApr 1821:00Aranya LahiriDistribution algebras of p-adic groups
ThuApr 1121:00Claus SorensenProjective smooth representations mod $p$
ThuApr 0421:00Organizational meetingOrganizational meeting
ThuMar 0722:00René SchoofGreenberg’s $\lambda=0$ conjecture
ThuFeb 2922:00Aranya LahiriDagger groups and $p$-adic distribution algebras
ThuFeb 1522:00Shahed SharifNumber theory and quantum computing: Algorithmists, Assemble!
ThuFeb 0822:00Mckenzie WestA Robust Implementation of an Algorithm to Solve the $S$-Unit Equation
ThuJan 2522:00John YinA Chebotarev Density Theorem over Local Fields
ThuJan 1822:00Eugenia RosuA higher degree Weierstrass function
FriJan 1222:00Jessica FintzenRepresentations of p-adic groups and Hecke algebras
ThuDec 0722:00Jon AycockA p-adic Family of Quaternionic Modular Forms on a Group of Type G_2
ThuNov 3022:00Finley McGladeA Level 1 Maass Spezialschar for Modular Forms on $\mathrm{SO}_8$
ThuNov 1622:00Tony FengMirror symmetry and the Breuil-Mezard Conjecture
ThuNov 0922:00Shou-Wu ZhangTriple product L-series and Gross–Kudla–Schoen cycles
ThuNov 0920:40Robin ZhangHarris–Venkatesh plus Stark
ThuNov 0221:00Kiran KedlayaThe affine cone of a Fargues-Fontaine curve
ThuOct 1921:00Christian Klevdalp-adic periods of admissible pairs
ThuOct 0521:00Aaron PollackArithmeticity of quaternionic modular forms on G_2
ThuSep 2821:00Organizational meetingOrganizational meeting (no Zoom)
ThuJun 0121:00Catherine HsuExplicit non-Gorenstein R=T via rank bounds
ThuMay 1821:00Andrew KobinCategorifying zeta and L-functions
ThuMay 1121:00Samit DasguptaRibet’s Lemma, the Brumer-Stark Conjecture, and the Main Conjecture
ThuMay 0421:00Hanlin CaiPerfectoid signature and local étale fundamental group
ThuApr 2721:00Somnath JhaRational cube sum problem
ThuApr 2021:00Keegan RyanFast Practical Lattice Reduction through Iterated Compression
ThuApr 1321:00Alina BucurCounting $D_4$ quartic extensions of a number field ordered by discriminant
ThuApr 0621:00Nha TruongSlopes of modular forms and geometry of eigencurves
ThuMar 1621:00Xu Gao$p$-adic representations and simplicial distance in Bruhat-Tits buildings
ThuMar 0922:00Jef LagaArithmetic statistics via graded Lie algebras
ThuMar 0222:00Yujie XuHecke algebras for p-adic groups and the explicit Local Langlands Correspondence for G_2
ThuFeb 2322:00Sameera VemulapalliCounting low degree number fields with almost prescribed successive minima
ThuFeb 1622:00Daniel VallieresIwasawa theory and graph theory
ThuFeb 0922:00Simon MarshallLarge values of eigenfunctions on hyperbolic manifolds
ThuFeb 0222:00Gilyoung CheongPolynomial equations for matrices over integers modulo a prime power and the cokernel of a random matrix
ThuJan 2622:00Nolan WallachThe Whittaker Inversion Theorem and some applications
ThuJan 1922:00Longke TangPrismatic Poincaré duality
ThuJan 1222:00Arghya SadhukhanUnderstanding the dimension of some (union of) affine Deligne-Lusztig varieties via the quantum Bruhat graph
ThuDec 0122:00Christopher KeyesLocal solubility in families of superelliptic curves
ThuNov 1722:00Romyar SharifiCohomology of intermediate quotients
ThuNov 1022:00Kalyani KansalIntersections of components of Emerton-Gee stack for $\mathrm{GL}_2$
ThuNov 0321:00Finn McGladeFourier coefficients on quaternionic U(2,n)
ThuOct 2721:00Rusiru Gambheera ArachchigeAn unconditional equivariant main conjecture in Iwasawa theory
ThuOct 2021:00Jon AycockDifferential operators for overconvergent Hilbert modular forms
ThuOct 1321:00Shishir AgrawalFrom category $\mathcal{O}^\infty$ to locally analytic representations
ThuOct 0621:00Christian KlevdalStrong independence of $\ell$ for Shimura varieties
ThuSep 2921:00Organizational meetingOrganizational meeting (APM 7321)
ThuJun 0221:00Alexandra FloreaNegative moments of the Riemann zeta function
ThuMay 2621:00Koji ShimizuRobba site and Robba cohomology
ThuMay 1921:00Michelle ManesIterating Backwards in Arithmetic Dynamics
ThuMay 1221:00Gyujin OhA cohomological approach to harmonic Maass forms
ThuMay 0521:00Masahiro NakaharaUniform potential density for rational points on algebraic groups and elliptic K3 surfaces
ThuApr 2821:00Brian LawrenceSparsity of Integral Points on Moduli Spaces of Varieties
ThuApr 2121:00Anthony KlingComparison of Integral Structures on the Space of Modular Forms of Full Level $N$
ThuApr 1417:00Amit OphirInvariant norms on the p-adic Schrödinger representation
ThuApr 0721:00David HansenDuality and the p-adic Jacquet-Langlands correspondence
ThuMar 3121:00Organizational meetingOrganizational meeting (Zoom only)
ThuMar 1022:00David UrbanikEffective Methods for Shafarevich Problems
ThuMar 0317:00Annie CarterTwo-variable polynomials with dynamical Mahler measure zero
ThuFeb 2422:00Paulina FustContinuous group cohomology and Ext-groups
ThuFeb 1722:00Aaron PollackA Cohen-Zagier modular form on G_2
ThuFeb 1022:00Gabrielle De MicheliLattice Enumeration for Tower NFS: a 521-bit Discrete Logarithm Computation
ThuFeb 0322:00Alex Smith$2^k$-Selmer groups and Goldfeld's conjecture
ThuJan 2722:00Petar BakicHowe duality for exceptional theta correspondences
ThuJan 2022:00Claudius HeyerThe left adjoint of derived parabolic induction
ThuJan 1322:00Tong LiuPrismatic F-crystal and lattice in crystalline representation
ThuJan 0622:00Organizational meetingOrganizational meeting (Zoom only)
ThuDec 0222:00James UptonNewton Polygons of Abelian $L$-Functions on Curves
ThuNov 1822:00Gabriel Dorfsman-HopkinsUntilting Line Bundles on Perfectoid Spaces
ThuNov 0421:00Linus HamannCompatibility of the Fargues-Scholze and Gan-Takeda local Langlands
ThuOct 2821:00Rahul DalalCounting level-1, quaternionic automorphic representations on $G_2$
ThuOct 2121:00Thomas GrubbA cut-by-curves criterion for overconvergence of $F$-isocrystals
ThuOct 1421:00Jeff LagariasComplex Equiangular Lines and the Stark Conjectures
ThuOct 0721:00Kiran KedlayaOrders of abelian varieties over F_2
ThuSep 2321:00Organizational meetingOrganizational meeting (Zoom only)
ThuJun 0321:00Kelly IshamAsymptotic growth of orders in a fixed number field via subrings in $\mathbb{Z}^n$
ThuMay 2721:00Evan O'DorneyArithmetic statistics of $H^1(K, T)$
ThuMay 2021:00Nahid WaljiOn the conjectural decomposition of symmetric powers of automorphic representations for GL(3) and GL(4)
ThuMay 1321:00Sean HoweBialgebraicity in local Shimura varieties
ThuMay 0621:00Maria FoxSupersingular Loci of Some Unitary Shimura Varieties
ThuApr 2921:00Christian KlevdalIntegrality of G-local systems
ThuApr 2221:00Owen BarrettThe derived category of the abelian category of constructible sheaves
ThuApr 1521:00Lance MillerFiniteness of quasi-canonical lifts of elliptic curves
ThuApr 0817:00Mahesh KakdeOn the Brumer-Stark conjecture and applications to Hilbert's 12th problem
ThuApr 0118:00Peter KoymansMalle's conjecture for nonic Heisenberg extensions
ThuMar 1122:00Organizational meetingOrganizational meeting
ThuMar 0422:00Soumya SankarCounting elliptic curves with a rational $N$-isogeny
ThuFeb 2522:00Tim TrudgianVerifying the Riemann hypothesis to a new height
ThuFeb 1822:00Zuhair MullathUnobstructed Galois deformation problems associated to GSp(4)
ThuFeb 1122:00Allechar Serrano LopezCounting elliptic curves with prescribed torsion over imaginary quadratic fields
ThuFeb 0422:00Naomi SweetingKolyvagin's conjecture and higher congruences of modular forms
ThuJan 2822:00Ashwin IyengarThe Iwasawa Main Conjecture over the Extended Eigencurve
ThuJan 2122:00Kwun Angus Chung$v$-adic convergence for exp and log in function fields and applications to $v$-adic $L$-values
ThuJan 1422:00Aranya LahiriResolutions of locally analytic principal series representations of GL_2(F)
ThuJan 0722:00Joshua LamCalabi-Yau varieties and Shimura varieties
ThuDec 1022:00Bao Le HungModuli of Fontaine-Laffaille modules and mod p local-global compatibility.
ThuDec 0318:00Maxim MornevLocal monodromy of Drinfeld modules
FriNov 2000:00Yifeng LiuBeilinson-Bloch conjecture and arithmetic inner product formula
ThuNov 1222:00James UptonNewton Slopes in $\mathbb{Z}_p$-Towers of Curves
ThuNov 0522:00Samuel MundyArchimedean components of Eisenstein series and CAP forms for $G_2$
ThuOct 2921:00Brandon AlbertsModeling Malle's Conjecture with Random Groups
ThuOct 2221:00Paul Van KoughnettTopological modular forms for number theorists
ThuOct 1521:00Cristian PopescuAn equivariant Tamagawa number formula for Drinfeld modules and beyond
ThuOct 0821:00Aaron PollackSingular modular forms on quaternionic E_8
ThuOct 0121:00Organizational meetingOrganizational meeting
ThuJun 0421:00Niccolo RonchettiA derived Hecke action on the ordinary Hida tower
ThuMay 2821:00Elena FuchsPrime components in integral circle packings
ThuMay 2121:00Jack ThorneSymmetric power functoriality for holomorphic modular forms
ThuMay 1421:00Xin TongTowards a Hodge-Iwasawa theory
ThuMay 1417:00Federico PellarinOn Drinfeld modular forms in Tate algebras
ThuMay 0721:00Carl Wang-EricksonThe Eisenstein ideal with squarefree level
ThuApr 3021:00Jize YuThe integral geometric Satake equivalence in mixed characteristic
ThuApr 2321:00Jishnu RayConjectures in Iwasawa Theory of Selmer groups and Iwasawa Algebras
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