Harvard MIT Algebraic Geometry Seminar

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algebraic geometry

Harvard University / MIT

Audience: Researchers in the topic
Seminar series time: Tuesday 20:00-21:00 in your time zone, UTC
Organizer: Aaron Landesman*
*contact for this listing
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Past talks
Your timeSpeakerTitle
TueFeb 2520:00Ajith Urundolil KumaranRefined tropical curve counting with descendants
TueMar 0420:00Vasudevan SrinivasSome finiteness results for the etale fundamental group in positive characteristics
TueMar 1119:00TBATBA
TueMar 2519:00Brian LehmannTBA
TueApr 0119:00Andrés Ibáñez NúñezTBA
TueApr 0819:00Bogdan ZavyalovTBA
TueApr 1519:00Lei WuTBA
TueApr 2219:00TBATBA
TueApr 2919:00TBATBA
TueMay 0619:00Ben BakkerTBA
TueMay 1319:00Ishan LevyTBA
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Your timeSpeakerTitle
TueFeb 1820:00Sameera VemulapalliBrill--Noether theory of smooth plane curves
TueFeb 1120:00Guillermo Peñafort SanchisOpen problems about deformations of singular holomorphic map germs
TueFeb 0420:00Yoon-Joo KimThe Néron model of a Lagrangian fibration
TueJan 2820:00Lenny TaelmanDeformations of Calabi—Yau varieties in characteristic p
FriJan 2420:00Sándor KovácsKSB stability is automatic in codimension 3
TueDec 1720:00Charles DoranBounding the Complexity of Feynman Integrals with Hodge Theory
TueDec 1020:00Kendric SchefersMicrolocal perspective on homology
TueDec 0320:00Daniel Halpern-LeistnerDispatches from the ends of the stability manifold
TueNov 2620:00Alexander PetrovDe Rham cohomology of varieties in positive characteristic
TueNov 1920:00Hélène EsnaultA non-abelian version of Deligne's Fixed Part Theorem
TueNov 1219:00Jean-Paul BrasseletCharacteristic classes of singular varieties
TueNov 0520:00Younghan BaeFourier transformation and the Abel-Jacobi section
TueOct 2919:00Tommaso BottaMaulik-Okounkov Lie algebras and BPS Lie algebras
TueOct 2219:00Anh Đức VõDu Bois complexes and singularities
TueOct 1519:00Thomas BrazeltonSymmetry in classical enumerative geometry
TueOct 0819:00Yusuf MustopaConvex Fujita Numbers and Projective Bundles
TueOct 0119:00Matthew Hase-LiuA circle method for algebraic geometers
TueSep 2419:00Yajnaseni DuttaTwisted Intermediate Jacobian Fibrations
TueSep 1719:00Benjamin ChurchCurves on complete intersections and measures of irrationality
TueSep 1019:00Andres Fernandez HerreroDecomposition theorem for the logarithmic Hitchin fibration
TueJun 2519:00César Lozano HuertaGeometry of syzygies of sheaves on P2 via interpolation and Bridgeland stability.
TueMay 0719:00Joe HarrisThe Enriques Conjectures
TueApr 3019:00Qile ChenCampana rational connectedness
TueApr 2319:00Hannah LarsonThe Chow ring of the universal Picard stack over the hyperelliptic locus
TueApr 1619:00Han-Bom MoonDerived category of moduli space of vector bundles on a curve
TueApr 0919:00Louis EsserThe Dual Complex of a G-variety
TueApr 0220:30Borys KadetsCurves with many degree $d$ points (Joint with the MIT number theory seminar, note the special time and location)
TueApr 0219:00Julianna TymoczkoWebs and Schubert calculus for Springer fibers
TueMar 2619:00Dhruv RanganathanA degeneration of the Hilbert scheme
TueMar 1919:00Changho HanExtending the torelli map to alternative compactifications of the moduli space of curves
TueMar 1219:00Lisa MarquandThe defect of a cubic threefold
TueMar 0520:00Marta BenozzoOn the canonical bundle formula in positive characteristic
TueFeb 2720:00Maksym FedorchukCM-minimizers and standard models of Fano fibrations over curves
TueFeb 2020:00Montserrat TeixidorBrill-Noether loci
TueFeb 1320:00CanceledCanceled
TueFeb 0620:00Carl LianEnumerativity of fixed-domain Gromov-Witten invariants
TueDec 1220:00Alex PerryThe period-index conjecture for abelian threefolds
TueDec 0520:00Jeff BaudinOn Ueno's conjecture in positive characteristics
TueNov 2820:00Emelie ArvidssonProperties of log canonical singularities in positive characteristic
TueNov 2120:00César Lozano HuertaThe Noether-Lefschetz loci formed by determinantal surfaces in projective 3-space.
TueNov 1420:00Iacopo BrivioSuperadditivity of anticanonical Iitaka dimension in positive characteristic
TueNov 0720:00Talk CancelledTalk Cancelled
TueOct 3119:00Jakub WitaszekSingularities in mixed characteristic via the Riemann-Hilbert correspondence
TueOct 2419:00Mark GrossMirror symmetry and partial compactifications of K3 moduli
TueOct 1719:00Hunter DinkinsGeneralized quantum difference equations for quiver varieties
TueOct 1019:00Alex PielochUniruling projective families over $\mathbb{CP}^1$ with rational (multi)sections
TueOct 0319:00Brad DirksThe minimal exponent of LCI subvarieties
TueSep 2619:00Matthew SatrianoBeyond twisted maps: crepant resolutions of log terminal singularities and a motivic McKay correspondence
TueSep 1919:00Elden ElmantoCycling in Cambridge
TueSep 1219:00Miguel MoreiraEnumerative geometry, wall-crossing and Virasoro constraints
TueMay 2319:00Nicolas TholozanComplex variations of Hodge structures of rank 2 over curves
TueMay 1619:00No seminarTBA
TueMay 0919:00Thomas BitounOn the D-module of an isolated singularity.
TueMay 0219:00Sebastian Casalaina-MartinModuli spaces of cubic hypersurfaces
WedApr 2617:30Jun-Yong ParkHeight moduli on algebraic stacks and counting families of varieties (special time and location SC 221)
TueApr 2519:00Dawei ChenCounting differentials with fixed residues
TueApr 1819:00Padmavathi SrinivasanA canonical algebraic cycle associated to a curve in its Jacobian
TueApr 1119:00Tristan CollinsMirror symmetry, stability conditions and geometric invariant theory
TueApr 0419:00Gavril FarkasResonance and Koszul modules in algebraic geometry
TueMar 2819:00Melody ChanThe weight 0 compactly supported Euler characteristic of moduli spaces of marked hyperelliptic curves
TueMar 2119:00Junliang ShenNon-abelian Hodge theory and the P=W conjecture
WedMar 1519:00Christian SchnellHodge theory and Lagrangian fibrations (special time/location: 2-255)
TueMar 1419:00Tomer SchlankHigher Tsen Theorem
TueMar 0720:00Justin LaciniSyzygies of adjoint linear series on projective varieties
TueFeb 2820:00Asher AuelMaximal Brill-Noether loci
TueFeb 2120:00James HotchkissThe period-index problem over the complex numbers
TueFeb 1420:00Alex KüronyaNewton-Okounkov bodies and local positivity
TueFeb 0720:00Sung Gi ParkKodaira dimension and hyperbolicity for smooth families of varieties
TueJan 3120:00Luigi LombardiOn the invariance of Hodge numbers under derived equivalence
MonDec 1220:00Samir CanningThe Chow ring of the moduli space of degree 2 K3 surfaces
TueDec 0621:30Tasuki KinjoCohomological Donaldson-Thomas theory for 2-Calabi--Yau categories
TueDec 0620:00Alina MarianOn quot schemes of rank zero quotients over a curve
TueNov 2920:00Juliette BruceTop weight cohomology of A_g
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