JoMaReC - Joint Online Mathematical Relativity Colloquium

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general relativity and quantum cosmology mathematical physics analysis of PDEs differential geometry

Audience: Researchers in the topic
Seminar series times: No fixed schedule
Organizers: Annegret Burtscher*, Carla Cederbaum, Grigorios Fournodavlos, Edgar Gasperin, Jan Metzger, Anna Sakovich
*contact for this listing

This monthly online colloquium is meant to be accessible to and informative for mathematicians and mathematical physicists with a background in General Relativity, widely interpreted to include Lorentzian Geometry, and Geometric Analysis of various Partial Differential Equations related to General Relativity.

It is aimed to present motivation and applications of particular results and/or introduce specific subfields, while refraining from too much technicalities.

Upcoming talks
Past talks
Your timeSpeakerTitle
ThuFeb 0614:30Stefan SuhrOptimal Transport in Lorentzian Geometry
ThuDec 0514:30Peter HintzGluing small black holes along timelike geodesics
ThuNov 0714:30Zhongshan AnEinstein manifolds with boundary
ThuOct 0314:00Carsten GundlachThe interplay of mathematics and numerics in understanding naked singularity formation in critical collapse
ThuJun 0613:30Juan Valiente KroonBMS-supertranslation charges at the critical sets of null infinity
ThuMay 0213:30Christoph KehleRetiring the third law of black hole thermodynamics
ThuApr 0413:30Dan LeeThe equality case of the positive mass theorem
ThuMar 0714:30Rita Teixeira da CostaThe Teukolsky equation on Kerr in the full subextremal range
ThuFeb 0114:30Spyros AlexakisSqueezing a fixed amount of gravitational energy to arbitrarily small scales, in U(1) symmetry
ThuDec 0714:30Rick SchoenHow minimal hypersurface and MOTS singularities affect relativity theorems
ThuNov 0214:30Gerhard HuiskenSome observations on quasi-local mass and quasi-local radius
ThuJul 0613:30Cécile HuneauHigh frequency solutions in general relativity and the Burnett’s conjecture
ThuJun 0113:30Virginia AgostinianiA Green’s function proof of the positive mass theorem and related topics
ThuMay 0413:30Ettore MinguzziAbstract Lorentzian metric spaces and their Gromov-Hausdorff convergence
ThuApr 0613:30Oliver Lindblad PetersenWave equations in subextremal Kerr-de Sitter spacetimes
ThuMar 0214:30Robert J. McCannA nonsmooth approach to Einstein's theory of gravity
ThuFeb 0214:30Jérémie SzeftelThe nonlinear stability of Kerr for small angular momentum
ThuDec 0114:30Elena GiorgiPhysical-space estimates on black hole perturbations
ThuNov 0314:30José NatárioRelativistic elasticity and compactness bounds
ThuOct 0613:30Marcus KhuriLevel Set Methods in Mathematical GR
ThuSep 0113:30Badri KrishnanA quasi-local view of black hole mergers
ThuJul 0713:30Thomas KörberUniqueness of large area-constrained Willmore spheres in initial data sets
ThuJun 0213:30Jim IsenbergStability of AVTD behavior for polarized T^2-symmetric space-times
ThuMay 0513:30Christina SormaniTowards a Spacetime Intrinsic Flat Convergence
ThuApr 0713:30Robert WaldThe memory effect and infrared divergences
ThuMar 0314:30Zoe WyattGlobal Stability of Spacetimes with Supersymmetric Compactifications
ThuFeb 0314:30Eric LingOn the discrete Dirac spectrum of a point electron in the zero-gravity Kerr-Newman spacetime
ThuDec 0214:30Stefan CzimekThe characteristic gluing problem of general relativity
ThuNov 0414:30Melanie GrafSingularity theorems in low regularity
ThuOct 0713:30Mihalis DafermosThe black hole stability problem in general relativity
ThuJul 0113:30Georgios MoschidisThe instability of Anti-de Sitter spacetime for the Einstein-scalar field system
ThuJun 0313:30Piotr ChruścielThe hyperbolic positive energy theorem
ThuMay 0613:30Lan-Hsuan HuangExistence of static vacuum extensions
ThuApr 0113:30Martín ReirisNew results on compact Cauchy horizons of smooth vacuum spacetimes
ThuMar 0414:30Igor RodnianskiOn naked singularities in Einstein equations
ThuFeb 0414:30Harvey ReallWell-posed formulation of Lovelock and Horndeski theories
ThuDec 0314:30Lydia BieriNew structures in gravitational radiation
ThuNov 0514:30Greg GallowayInitial data rigidity results
ThuOct 0113:30Hans RingströmOn highly anisotropic big bang singularities
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